


Reconfigure the database ยป config.php

default config file created by - Amber Herold, 10/29/2010 04:29 PM


* The Leginon software is Copyright 2010
* The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
* For terms of the license agreement
* see

* Please visit http://yourhost/myamiwebfolder/setup
* for automatically setup this config file for the
* first time.

require_once 'inc/';

// --- define myamiweb tools base --- //
define('PROJECT_NAME', "myamiweb");
define('PROJECT_TITLE', "Appion and Leginon Tools");

// --- define site base path -- //
// --- This should be changed if the myamiweb directory is located -- //
// --- in a sub-directory of the Apache web directory. -- //
// --- ex. myamiweb is in /var/www/html/applications/myamiweb/ then -- //
// --- change "myamiweb to "applications/myamiweb" -- //

define('BASE_URL', "/".BASE_PATH."/");
define('PROJECT_URL', BASE_URL."project/");

// --- myamiweb login --- //
// Browse to the administration tools in myamiweb prior to
// changing this to true to populate DB tables correctly.
define('ENABLE_LOGIN', false);

// --- Administrator email title and email address -- //
define('EMAIL_TITLE', 'The name of your institute');
define('ADMIN_EMAIL', '');

// --- When 'ENABLE_SMTP set to true, email will send out -- //
// --- via ADMIN_EMIL's SMTP server. --//
define('ENABLE_SMTP', false);
define('SMTP_HOST', ''); //your smtp host

// --- Check this with your email administrator -- //
// --- Set it to true if your SMTP server requires authentication -- //
define('SMTP_AUTH', false);

// --- If SMTP_AUTH is not required(SMTP_AUTH set to false, -- //
// --- no need to fill in 'SMTP_USERNAME' & SMTP_PASSWORD -- //
define('SMTP_USERNAME', "");
define('SMTP_PASSWORD', "");

// --- Set your MySQL database server parameters -- //
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_USER', 'root');
define('DB_PASS', '');
define('DB_LEGINON', 'leginondb');
define('DB_PROJECT', 'projectdb');

// --- default URL for project section --- //
define('VIEWER_URL', BASE_URL."3wviewer.php?expId=");
define('SUMMARY_URL', BASE_URL."summary.php?expId=");
define('UPLOAD_URL', BASE_URL."processing/uploadimage.php");

// --- Set cookie session time -- //
define('COOKIE_TIME', 0); //0 is never expire.

// --- defaut user group -- //
define('GP_USER', 'users');

// --- XML test dataset -- //
$XML_DATA = "test/viewerdata.xml";

// --- Set Default table definition -- //
define('DEF_PROCESSING_TABLES_FILE', "defaultprocessingtables.xml");
define('DEF_PROCESSING_PREFIX', "ap"); //update mysql privileges

// --- Set External SQL server here (use for import/export application) -- //
// --- You can add as many as you want, just copy and paste the block -- //
// --- to a new one and update the connection parameters -- //
// --- $SQL_HOSTS['example_host_name']['db_host'] = 'example_host_name'; -- //
// --- $SQL_HOSTS['example_host_name']['db_user'] = 'usr_object'; -- //
// --- $SQL_HOSTS['example_host_name']['db_pass'] = ''; -- //
// --- $SQL_HOSTS['example_host_name']['db'] = 'legniondb'; -- //

$SQL_HOSTS[DB_HOST]['db_host'] = DB_HOST;
$SQL_HOSTS[DB_HOST]['db_user'] = DB_USER;
$SQL_HOSTS[DB_HOST]['db_pass'] = DB_PASS;

// --- path to main --- //

// --- add plugins --- //
// --- uncomment to enable processing web pages -- //

// --- Add as many processing hosts as you like -- //
// --- Please enter your processing host information associate with -- //
// --- Maximum number of the processing nodes -- //
// --- $PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array('host' => '', 'nproc' => 4); -- //
// --- $PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array('host' => '', 'nproc' => 8); -- //

$PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array('host' => 'localhost', 'nproc' => 4);

// --- register your cluster configure file below i.e (default_cluster) --- //
// --- $CLUSTER_CONFIGS[] = 'cluster1'; -- //
// --- $CLUSTER_CONFIGS[] = 'cluster2'; -- //

$CLUSTER_CONFIGS[] = 'default_cluster';

// --- Microscope spherical aberration constant
// --- Example : 2.0 --- //
define('DEFAULTCS', '2.0');

// --- Restrict file server if you want --- //
// --- Add your allowed processing directory as string in the array
$DATA_DIRS = array();

// --- Enable Image Cache --- //
define('ENABLE_CACHE', false);
// --- caching location --- //
// --- please make sure the apache user has write access to this folder --- //
// --- define('CACHE_PATH', "/srv/www/cache/"); --- //
define('CACHE_PATH', "");
define('CACHE_SCRIPT', WEB_ROOT.'/makejpg.php');

// --- define Flash player base url --- //
define('FLASHPLAYER_URL', "/flashplayer/");

// --- define python commands - path --- //

// to download images as TIFF or JPEG
// $pythonpath="/your/site-packages";
// putenv("PYTHONPATH=$pythonpath");

// To use mrc2any, you need to install the pyami package which is part
// of myami. See installation documentation for help.
// --- define('MRC2ANY', "/usr/bin/mrc2any" --- //
define('MRC2ANY', '/usr/bin/mrc2any');

// --- Check if IMAGIC is installed and running, otherwise hide all functions --- //
define('HIDE_IMAGIC', false);

// --- Check if MATLAB is installed and running, otherwise hide all functions --- //
define('HIDE_MATLAB', false);

// --- hide processing tools still under development. --- //
define('HIDE_FEATURE', true);

// --- temporary images upload directory --- //
define('TEMP_IMAGES_DIR', '/tmp');

// --- use appion warpper --- //
define('USE_APPION_WRAPPER', false);
define('APPION_WRAPPER_PATH', "");

// --- sample tracking ---//
define('SAMPLE_TRACK', false);

// --- exclude projects in statistics. give a string with numbers separated by ',' ---//
// --- for example, "1,2" ---//