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information not saved to db
Added by Anchi Cheng almost 17 years ago
This question is from William Rice:
Right now, I have installed leginon and all of its dependancies on
my linux computer (Fedora core 8). I configured the mysql server,
apache server, leginon.cfg and sinedon.cfg. It is not yet connected
to a microscope, as I was hoping to get leginon, the database and
webserver working here before moving to microscope communication.
I have configured my webserver to serve
and everything is under /srv/www/htdocs (project_1_0, phpMyAdmin,
and dbem_1_4_4.
I can view the leginon database tools side ( http://localhost/htdocs/
project_1_0/project.php), and see the sample mrc files.
I added the usr_object user to the leginon database (dbemdata) and
project database (projectdata) as described in the manual, and was
able to add a new user and project using the web tools.
My problem comes when I launch Leginon. I run,
choose myself and a sample project, and everything starts ok. When
I run the Manual app, I can take a simulated image using SimCCD.
The image doesn't seem to be added to the database, or saved in my
image directory (/Documents/leginon).
If I try to run the robot-MSI app, I get the following error:
I am including my config.php files from dbem and project_1_0, as
well as leginon.cfg and sinedon.cfg. Do you see any problems with
these files?
config.php from dbem
- The Leginon software is Copyright 2003
- The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
- For terms of the license agreement
// --- Leginon Viewer Configuration --- //
// --- Set your leginon MySQL database server parameters
$DB_HOST = "/project_1_0/";
$DB_USER = "usr_object";
$DB_PASS = "";
$DB = "dbemdata";
// --- XML test dataset
$XML_DATA = "test/viewerdata.xml";
// --- Project database config
$PROJECT_URL = "../project_1_0";
$PROJECT_DB_HOST = "localhost";
$PROJECT_DB_USER = "usr_object";
$PROJECT_DB = "projectdata";
// --- Set Default table definition
$DEF_TABLES_FILE = "defaulttables20080319.xml";
// --- Set External SQL server here (use for import/export application)
// --- You can add as many as you want, just copy and paste the block
// --- to a new one and update the connection parameters
$SQL_HOSTS['main']['db_host'] = $DB_HOST;
$SQL_HOSTS['main']['db_user'] = $DB_USER;
$SQL_HOSTS['main']['db_pass'] = $DB_PASS;
$SQL_HOSTS['main']['db'] = $DB;
project_1_0 config.php
- The Leginon software is Copyright 2003
- The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
- For terms of the license agreement
- Author:
// --- Project Configuration --- //
// --- Leginon database config
$DB_HOST = "project_1_0";
$DB_USER = "usr_object";
$DB_PASS = "";
$DB = "projectdata";
// --- Project database config
$PROJECT_DB_HOST = "localhost";
$PROJECT_DB_USER = "usr_object";
$PROJECT_DB = "dbemdata";
$VIEWER_URL = $DBEM_PATH."/3wviewer.php?expId=";
$SUMMARY_URL = $DBEM_PATH."/summary.php?expId=";
// --- don't change --- //
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $DBEM_PATH);
- Each section name is the name of a Python module (without the .py).
- Options for each section are valid arguments to MySQLdb.connect:
- host, db, user, passwd
- The Global section defines defauls for every section but can be overriden
- in each section.
- These globals are defaults for all other sections, but each section
- can override them if necessary.
host: localhost
db: dbemdata
- This is an example python->database mapping.
- The classes defined in describe the tables in the
- database configured in this section.
db: dbemdata
Replies (1)
- Added by Anchi Cheng almost 17 years ago
Hi, Bill,
I notice some inconsistency in your configuration files.
1. In config.php in dbem_1_4_4 folder:
$DB_HOST should refer to the name of the computer hosting the database. Therefore, it should be
$DB_HOST = "localhost"
in your case. This way you set the variable that is used later in the configuration file.
2. Same thing in config.php in project_1_0.
3. More problems in project_1_0 (My fault, really, I just changed it in the doc)
$DB = "dbemdata"
$PROJECT_DB = "projectdata"
4. sinedon.cfg: The [projectData] section should give the database name of the project database under "db".
db: projectdata