


information not saved to db

Added by Anchi Cheng almost 17 years ago

This question is from William Rice:

Right now, I have installed leginon and all of its dependancies on

my linux computer (Fedora core 8). I configured the mysql server,

apache server, leginon.cfg and sinedon.cfg. It is not yet connected

to a microscope, as I was hoping to get leginon, the database and

webserver working here before moving to microscope communication.

I have configured my webserver to serve


and everything is under /srv/www/htdocs (project_1_0, phpMyAdmin,

and dbem_1_4_4.

I can view the leginon database tools side ( http://localhost/htdocs/

project_1_0/project.php), and see the sample mrc files.

I added the usr_object user to the leginon database (dbemdata) and

project database (projectdata) as described in the manual, and was

able to add a new user and project using the web tools.

My problem comes when I launch Leginon. I run,

choose myself and a sample project, and everything starts ok. When

I run the Manual app, I can take a simulated image using SimCCD.

The image doesn't seem to be added to the database, or saved in my

image directory (/Documents/leginon).

If I try to run the robot-MSI app, I get the following error:


I am including my config.php files from dbem and project_1_0, as

well as leginon.cfg and sinedon.cfg. Do you see any problems with

these files?



config.php from dbem


  • The Leginon software is Copyright 2003
  • The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
  • For terms of the license agreement



// --- Leginon Viewer Configuration --- //

// --- Set your leginon MySQL database server parameters

$DB_HOST = "/project_1_0/";

$DB_USER = "usr_object";

$DB_PASS = "";

$DB = "dbemdata";

// --- XML test dataset

$XML_DATA = "test/viewerdata.xml";

// --- Project database config

$PROJECT_URL = "../project_1_0";

$PROJECT_DB_HOST = "localhost";

$PROJECT_DB_USER = "usr_object";


$PROJECT_DB = "projectdata";

// --- Set Default table definition

$DEF_TABLES_FILE = "defaulttables20080319.xml";

// --- Set External SQL server here (use for import/export application)

// --- You can add as many as you want, just copy and paste the block

// --- to a new one and update the connection parameters

$SQL_HOSTS['main']['db_host'] = $DB_HOST;

$SQL_HOSTS['main']['db_user'] = $DB_USER;

$SQL_HOSTS['main']['db_pass'] = $DB_PASS;

$SQL_HOSTS['main']['db'] = $DB;


project_1_0 config.php


  • The Leginon software is Copyright 2003
  • The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
  • For terms of the license agreement




// --- Project Configuration --- //

// --- Leginon database config


$DB_HOST = "project_1_0";

$DB_USER = "usr_object";

$DB_PASS = "";

$DB = "projectdata";

// --- Project database config

$PROJECT_DB_HOST = "localhost";

$PROJECT_DB_USER = "usr_object";


$PROJECT_DB = "dbemdata";

$VIEWER_URL = $DBEM_PATH."/3wviewer.php?expId=";

$SUMMARY_URL = $DBEM_PATH."/summary.php?expId=";

// --- don't change --- //

set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $DBEM_PATH);




  1. Each section name is the name of a Python module (without the .py).
  1. Options for each section are valid arguments to MySQLdb.connect:
  1. host, db, user, passwd
  1. The Global section defines defauls for every section but can be overriden
  1. in each section.



  1. These globals are defaults for all other sections, but each section
  1. can override them if necessary.



host: localhost




db: dbemdata


  1. This is an example python->database mapping.
  1. The classes defined in describe the tables in the
  1. database configured in this section.



db: dbemdata

Replies (1)

- Added by Anchi Cheng almost 17 years ago

Hi, Bill,

I notice some inconsistency in your configuration files.

1. In config.php in dbem_1_4_4 folder:

$DB_HOST should refer to the name of the computer hosting the database. Therefore, it should be

$DB_HOST = "localhost"

in your case. This way you set the variable that is used later in the configuration file.

2. Same thing in config.php in project_1_0.

3. More problems in project_1_0 (My fault, really, I just changed it in the doc)

$DB = "dbemdata"

$PROJECT_DB = "projectdata"

4. sinedon.cfg: The [projectData] section should give the database name of the project database under "db".


db: projectdata

