Leginon cannot find Dark/Bright gain references
Added by Duncan Sousa over 11 years ago
We are running Leginon 2.2.
Leginon cannot find the dark and bright gain references after restarting a Leginon session. Once we take new references in Leginon, everything works fine until we close the current session and restart (for instance upon changing grids). When we restart Leginon, it cannot find the references and we have to take a new set of references .
- We have check and the reference images are present (e.g., the files exist on disk).
- The database also has the references listed correctly.
- We updated Leginon and that did not fix the problem.
- Leginon does not appear to select the most recent reference entry from the database.
We are hoping you can help us resolve this issue.
4096x4096 bin 1
Could not read file: FileReference(path=/data/lustre/leginondata/13apr02_ref_a/rawdata,filename=13may31c_31145931_28_4096x4096_dark_0.mrc)
Could not read file: FileReference(path=/data/lustre/leginondata/13apr02_ref_a/rawdata,filename=13may31c_31163848_77_4096x4096_norm_0.mrc)
Replies (5)
RE: Leginon cannot find Dark/Bright gain references - Added by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago
First, any chance of a permission issue?
While in the session where references are taken, Leginon can normally use the result in the memory to do dark/gain correction. However, when it is restarted, these are released so it will have to load it from file.
RE: Leginon cannot find Dark/Bright gain references - Added by Duncan Sousa over 11 years ago
I don't believe it is a permission issue (we also looked at that). Further, this behavior is true for all Leginon users we've tested.
RE: Leginon cannot find Dark/Bright gain references - Added by Scott Stagg over 11 years ago
Hi Anchi,
To give you a little more information. We can collect new references, but Leginon always seems to revert to using an older reference after we restart. I checked the db, and it is writing new rows to the reference image tables, and it is also writing new reference images to disk. Leginon is just not using the new references after restarting. Also, the reason Leg can't read the references that are listed above is that they have been erased. We have an auto-pruning routine that erases data periodically so that the disk doesn't fill up.
RE: Leginon cannot find Dark/Bright gain references - Added by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago
I think I am going to need to see database dump for this. Please send project and leginon database dump through private route such as e-mail or dropbox. Thanks.