network problem, Leginon not seeing tecnai host
Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago
Dear Denis, Jim and Christian,
I have a new problem. In the meantime leginon is starting on the server PC with the new database, but when opening an Application (Run ...) there is a problem in the interactive window: As "main" there is one single enrty "mpipc290" (which is the name of the server PC), and for "scope" it is also only this one entry. No microscope is available. Consequently, if I choose any of the applications, the Instrument cannot find the microscope nor the camera. However, when starting leginon it does ask for the instrument, I select our microscope (Spirit, see below) and everything looks fine. What is wrong here?
Background information:
1 - The new database:
I have created a new database for our lab (dbmpibpsb01), created new users etc. and our instrument (Spirit). I choose "tecnai" as instrument type (I assumed that this entry is referring to the script, right ???). I checked the entries in the database, everything looks o.k. ...
2 - Our network:
This is tricky: The leginon server is running on the Linux laptop with IP# It has a PPP connection to an ethernet card on the FEI PC ( which itself got another address ( This is the FEI way to isolate their PC from the normal network ....
I have added all these addresses in /etc/hosts as spiritcomp ( and spirit ( The leginon slave is running on spirit, but it does also see the PPP connected mpipc290 ( as it finds the database etc. The connections work, all the routing is o.k., except that spirit does mpipc290 not allow to ping .... The laptop finds its way, can send the data, but the windows PC (spirit) refuses to talk ...
3 - I tried all possible combinations of hostnames (spirit, spiritcomp) and microscope types ( etc), it is always the same ...
4 - One more observation: If I use the "launcher" tool in leginon I found the port 55555, which is actually active as judged by netstat on the Windows PC .....
My question - as far as I do understand your program and our network ....
Where do you find out what is "main" and what is "scope"? Which .py-file is this ??? Did I choose the wrong microscope type? Do I need to define one myself? Do I need to modify, or use it as a template for e.g. What needs to be altered?
Or is it the routing? Is the leginon server simply not seeing the scope?
Thanks for your help
All for now
A minor point for Denis:
I did not manage to create a new database from command line level. mysqladmin create ... did not work (access denied ...). However, I did work around this using the phpMyAdmin tools .... Why is this so? Or is this actually the main problem ??? But the new database is accessable for usr_object (mysql -u usr_object dbmpibpsb01 gives access).
Replies (12)
Re: Leginon problem in Frankfurt mail_2 - Added by Jim Pulokas almost 20 years ago
You can also start the complete main Leginon program on the Tecnai PC without starting the client. This is a good way to test out leginon without worrying about the network connections. You will still need to have the network connection to the MySQL database, but I think that part is working for you. This should allow you to test if you have the instrument configured properly. I think you need to set the scope type to "Tecnai" with a capital T. But even if the instrument is not configured right, the network connection should still work, so this should be investigated independently.
For the network problems, try the attached scripts. They do a simplified version of the connections between Leginon and the Leginon client. This is how you do the test:
1. Run on the Tecnai PC (this represents the leginon client)
2. Note the host name and port reported by, it will say "ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS AT:..."
with the host and port number
3. Run on your laptop, but give it two arguments, the host and port number reported in step 1, like this: <host> <port>
4. This should establish a short dialog between the two scripts, which should conclude when reports:
Copy the output of both scripts to me and you may also be able to follow what is going on yourself. Basically, waits for a connection. connects to it, then send some info to Through all of this, they are both reporting info about host names and port numbers. It is possible that the host names are not being resolved properly, or the ports are not open due to a firewall or something.
Let me know how it goes.
#!/usr/bin/env python import databinder import time import data, event import socket import datatransport class Logger(object): def info(self, stuff): print 'INFO', stuff def exception(self, stuff): print 'EXCEPTION', stuff def warning(self, stuff): print 'WARNING', stuff def printData(d): manlocation = d['location'] managerhost = manlocation['TCP transport']['hostname'] managerport = manlocation['TCP transport']['port'] print 'MANAGER: %s:%s' % (managerhost, managerport) print 'connecting to manager...' client = datatransport.Client(manlocation, Logger()) myloc = db.location() print 'MYLOC', myloc del myloc['local transport'] e = event.NodeAvailableEvent(location=myloc, destination=managerhost) client.send(e) myhostname = socket.gethostname().lower() for myport in range(49152,65536): try: db = databinder.DataBinder(myhostname, Logger(), tcpport=myport) break except: continue db.addBinding(myhostname, event.SetManagerEvent, printData) print 'ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS AT: %s:%s' % (myhostname, myport) time.sleep(1000000)
#!/usr/bin/env python import data import databinder import socket import event import datatransport import sys import time if len(sys.argv) != 3: print 'usage: <remote_host> <remote_port>' sys.exit(1) tecnaihost = sys.argv[1] tecnaiport = int(sys.argv[2]) def printData(d): remotehost = d['location']['TCP transport']['hostname'] remoteport = d['location']['TCP transport']['port'] print 'REMOTE CLIENT RESPONDED: %s:%s' % (remotehost, remoteport) class Logger(object): def info(self, stuff): print 'INFO', stuff def exception(self, stuff): print 'EXCEPTION', stuff def warning(self, stuff): print 'WARNING', stuff myhostname = socket.gethostname().lower() for myport in range(49152,65536): try: db = databinder.DataBinder(myhostname, Logger(), tcpport=myport) break except: continue print 'ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS AT: %s:%s' % (myhostname, myport) db.addBinding(myhostname, event.NodeAvailableEvent, printData) mylocation = {'TCP transport': {'hostname': myhostname, 'port': myport}} yourlocation = {'TCP transport': {'hostname': tecnaihost, 'port': tecnaiport}} e = event.SetManagerEvent(destination=tecnaihost, location=mylocation) print 'CONNECTING TO: %s:%s' % (tecnaihost, tecnaiport) client = datatransport.Client(yourlocation, Logger()) ## this will connect to the tecnai client.send(e) time.sleep(1000000)
- Added by Jim Pulokas almost 20 years ago
Pawels Penczek's group at UT Houston was having similar problems. Some things to note about how it was solved:
- Getting the hosts files configured properly (or nameserver if available) is critical, this is /etc/hosts on linux and c:\windows\system32\ldrivers\etc\hosts on windows
- You should be able to ping tecnai host from remote host and vice versa using host names, not IPs
- You should be able to run the and scripts successfully to prove that the two hosts can communicate using host names, not IPs
In the case of Houston, all of that was working, but there was one final discovery (probably a bug in Leginon) that was causing all the trouble:
- The host name of an instrument should be entered into the database in all lowercase letters. Case doesn't seem to matter in the hosts file. You can call it "TECNAI" or "tecnai" and you can still ping it either way. But in the leginon database, if it is not all lower, it will not work.
- Added by Jim Pulokas almost 20 years ago
The group at Leeds is experiencing a problem in which fails with an IOError "unable to push data"
My suggestion when this happens is:
Leave running on the remote host, and on the tecnai host where was running, try this short script to uncover more low level details of the exception:
import socket s = socket.socket() s.connect(('test2host', test2port))
where test2host and test2port are reported by in the "ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS AT" message
Most likely, there will be one of the following two exceptions raised:
a) socket.gaierror: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
which means the tecnai cannot resolve the hostname. Add a hostname<->IP mapping to the hosts file or the nameserver
b) socket.error: (111, 'Connection refused')
which means the port is not open, either due to firewall or server is not running ( in this case)
- Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago
thanks to this thread our connection problems have been resolved. :)
apparently, we had the same problems as leeds and rasmus, couldn't see the scope in leginon main, couldn't connect to microscope, same error message with the scripts jim provided. seems the only thing missing was the entry for the dedicated leginon machine in the etc/hosts on the windows machine. slaps himself silly
thanks for your help. :)
(edit: solved up to a point, that is. the laptop works fine, leginon machine doesn't. oh well, we'll get it sorted out now, i hope)
- Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago
leginon is running, finally. looks like the hosts file on the leginon server got overwritten by an update script, no wonder the miscroscope hostname couldn't be resolved. the second problem was the domainname (local subnet, connected to leginon server 141.14.xx.xx) of the miscroscope machine. i've changed the domainname (winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) on the microscope machine from localdomain to (domain of the server, which it technically isn't in, but whatever....) and things are running fine now.
thanks for all the help!
(btw, this is on a very nonstandard home-made distribution written for our institute. guess i'm adventurous out of necessity. but things look quite good, no major problems yet. :)
- Added by Jim Pulokas almost 19 years ago
I just edited and to update for the latest Leginon release. The calls to "push" are now "send".
- Added by Jim Pulokas almost 17 years ago and are now included in the leginon package as of the 1.5 beta release.
ports that leginon uses - Added by Jim Pulokas almost 17 years ago
This has come up in other threads and e-mails, but I want to add it to this thread since this is the largest collection of network related troubleshooting.
The question is: What ports does Leginon use?
This is important because you may have a firewall installed on one or more of the machines that are running Leignon, or you may have a firewall between two machines that are running Leginon. You want to keep everything secure and only open up ports that are necessary.
The typical case is that you are running the main Leginon process on a linux host that is communicating with the TEM host, which is running a Leginon launcher (aka Leginon client). You are also running a MySQL server either on the same linux host or maybe a different one. Optionally, you may be running a NFS file server on another linux host. Those are the only hosts/servers that are involved in running Leginon. I exclude the web server because it is not participating in actually running Leginon. It is only there to view the stored data, and Leginon can run without it.
MySQL normally uses port 3306 (but configurable in /etc/my.cnf)
NFS uses port 2049 (maybe depends on others also?)
Leginon Client running on TEM host: port 55555
Leginon main program on linux host: dynamically assigned ports between 49152 and 65535. There is no strict port assignment since we could potentially have more than one Leginon process running on the same linux host talking to different TEM hosts.
It is probably good enough if you only worry about opening up the first few of those ports in your firewall (maybe 49152 through 49160, or something like that).
Someday I hope to clean up the network issue in Leginon so that it only needs a single socket between the main program and the client instead of multiple sockets using different ports. Then you only need to worry about opening port 55555 on the TEM host and nothing else.
Re: network problem, Leginon not seeing tecnai host - Added by Anchi Cheng about 15 years ago
This is a description of the problem sent by Zhongjun through e-mail.
I'v masked out most of the ip address.
The operating system of host computer is centos 5.4. I install all
the softwares following the install manual. Another computer is
I test the communication between
the server and client computers. I find something wrong in the test.
My client computer's host name is Scanner , Ip is
My server computer's host name is xray3 , Ip is
I find that in the client computer, when I run the , the
result is right. But when I run the in my server computer,
Something is wrong.
Further more, there is also somewrong when I run the in server
computer. I don't know why. Could you help me to solve these problem ?
D:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\Leginon>python INFO localtransport server created at location {'instance': <localtransport.Serv er object at 0x00C82E30>} INFO tcptransport server created at location {'hostname': 'scanner', 'port': 491 52} INFO <class 'event.SetManagerEvent'> binding added for destination scanner, meth od <function printData at 0x01240870> ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS AT: scanner:49152 hit enter to kill INFO localtransport server exited INFO tcptransport server exited INFO Exited INFO Handler loop exited
[zhongjun@xray3] 206% python 49152 INFO localtransport server created at location {'instance': <localtransport.Server obj ect at 0xb7d11cec>} INFO localtransport server created at location {'instance': <localtransport.Server obj ect at 0xb7d181ac>} INFO tcptransport server created at location {'hostname': '', 'por t': 49153} ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS AT: INFO <class 'event.NodeAvailableEvent'> binding added for destination xray3.xxxx.a, method <function printData at 0xb7f85764> CONNECTING TO: WARNING localtransport client add failed INFO tcptransport client added INFO server location set to to {'TCP transport': {'hostname': '', 'port': 49152}} Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 49, in ? client.send(e) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Leginon/", line 59, in send result = self._send(request) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Leginon/", line 56, in _send raise TransportError('Error sending request') datatransport.TransportError: Error sending request
There is also an error if is run on the linux box xray3:
[zhongjun@xray3] 197% python INFO localtransport server created at location {'instance': <localtransport.Server object at 0xb7cd2d0c>} INFO tcptransport server created at location {'hostname': '', 'port': 49152} INFO <class 'event.SetManagerEvent'> binding added for destination, method <function printData at 0xb7f46764> ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS AT: hit enter to kill INFO localtransport server exited Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 43, in ? db.exit() File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Leginon/", line 43, in exit self.server.exit() File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Leginon/", line 88, in exit self.servers[t].exit() File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Leginon/", line 60, in exit socketstreamtransport.Server.exit(self) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Leginon/", line 140, in exit client.send(ExitException()) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Leginon/", line 151, in send s = self.connect() File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Leginon/", line 78, in connect raise TransportError(string) tcptransport.TransportError: Name or service not known
Re: network problem, Leginon not seeing tecnai host - Added by Jim Pulokas about 15 years ago
This could be a firewall problem. Try starting on scanner, then run the "nmap" command on one of your linux systems to see which ports are opened on scanner. Here is the nmap command that will search for open ports on scanner:
nmap -p49152- scannerThat will search all the ports from 49152 or higher, which are the only ones that will open. In the following example, I have started on a host called bnc16: INFO localtransport server created at location {'instance': <localtransport.Server object at 0x2aaaaaabe810>} INFO localtransport server created at location {'instance': <localtransport.Server object at 0x2aaaaaabefd0>} INFO tcptransport server created at location {'hostname': 'bnc16', 'port': 49153} INFO <class 'event.SetManagerEvent'> binding added for destination bnc16, method <function printData at 0x2aaaaaac8578> ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS AT: bnc16:49153 hit enter to killNow I am on a different host and run the nmap command, see the resulting output:
nmap -p49152- bnc16 Starting Nmap 4.11 ( ) at 2010-01-12 20:19 PST Interesting ports on bnc16 ( Not shown: 16382 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 49152/tcp open unknown 49153/tcp open unknown Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.853 secondsYou can see that there are two ports open. One is the one reported by the "ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS..." message. It was spedifically opened by the script. The other port (49152) was opened by the lower level leginon system for sharing data objects. You may see slightly different port numbers, but you should see the one reported by the "ACCEPTING CONNECTIONS..." message.
If nmap does not find the open port, then there is probably a firewall blocking the port. This could be part of the security settings in Windows, or it could be the SELinux system on the CentOS system. Try disabling any of these security features to see if it helps.
Re: network problem, Leginon not seeing tecnai host - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago
Hi all,
I am also experiencing network problems...Leginon works when started locally (Leginon main on microscope PC) and over the network (main/client on distinct workstations with simulation camera) when not firewalled.
However, our actual network setup is:
Microscope PC (Leginon client) <=> gateway (acts as a port forwarder) <=> server A (leginon main and mysql)
There is NO direct routing from microscope PC to institute network and vice-versa...all should work through port-forwarding to the gateway.
All relevant host names are in /etc/hosts (or its Windows equivalent) and resolve appropriately (always to gateway IP).
Port forwarding is setup in the following way and works (checked with telnet):
gateway:3306 --> server A: 3306
Microscope PC : 55555 <-- gateway:55555
gateway:49152--> server A: 49152
gateway:49153 --> server A: 49153
gateway:49154 --> server A: 49154
mysql port forwarding works for sure, because leginon main runs successfully on the microscope PC. However, when starting leginon client on the microscope PC and leginon main on server A, the microscope PC does not appear in the dropdown list when assigning the nodes...
When I dump the network traffic with wireshark I see that the connection to port microscope PC:55555 is successfully initiated by leginon main. However, server A never sees any traffic to its open ports (which are certainly one of 49152, 49153, 49154, as checked by netstat).
Has anyone ever got Leginon to work with port forwarding (without direct routing)? I suppose setting the DNS names is critical, to "trick" both sides into believing that the gateway is the relevant communication partner. Or is, at some point, an IP address transferred in the first connection to port 55555 - then, of course, it would not work?
What also puzzles me is that Leginon client also opens a port 49152 (apart from 55555), which is AFAIK not mentioned in the documentation (or in this thread)? When testing with I get the first connection (microscope PC to server A) but the second one back fails.
I would appreciate your help.
Matthias Brunner
I am using a leginon SVN checkout from 2009-11-20.
Re: network problem, Leginon not seeing tecnai host - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago
Hello veryone:
I am Zhongjun. I have solved the problem. Thanks Anchi and Pulokas !