



Organization of the PHP programs

  • Location:
    • /myami/myamiweb/processing
  • Sub Folders:
    • inc — include directory, common libraries like appionlib
    • js — javascript directory, contains help.js the help pop-up window text
    • img — image director, contains images like program logos (e.g., EMAN, Appion, Spider) and check, cross, and ext icons for image assessor
    • css — style sheets, custom look and feel of website, usually not modified
  • The include (inc) folder
    • — contains the common interface for all appionLoop programs (CTF estimators, Particle pickers, and Make Stack)
    • — depricated on the fly Euler plot generation script, was way too slow moved to python
    • menuprocessing.php — a single, giant function that generates the menu on the left side of all appion pages
    • — collection of all database queries, e.g., getStackIds(), getParticlesFromImageId(), getPixelSizeFromImgId(), or getStackIdFromReconId()
    • — functions that are common to all Appion pages, e.g., processing_header(), referenceBox(), submitAppionJob(), getProjectId()
    • — provides summary tables that are common on many pages, e.g., stacksummarytable(), alignstacksummarytable(), and modelsummarytable()
  • Important base scripts:
    • checkAppionJob.php — follow the progress of the job (common to all scripts, except reconstructions, see checkRefineJobs.php)
    • index.php — provides the final report with methods section for any exemplar reconstructions
    • config.php — the customization file for the
    • viewstack.php — the famous stack viewer
  • Ideal flow for a job process:
    • select program (e.g., selectParticleAlignment.php) — a selection page for each program that provides a detailed description to help user decide which on to use
    • run Appion script (e.g., runDogPicker.php) — setup parameters and run the program
    • checkAppionJob.php — follow the progress of the job (common to all scripts, except reconstructions, see checkRefineJobs.php)
    • process summary (e.g., stackhierarchy.php) — show all runs of that process type, e.g., stacks
    • process report (e.g., stackreport.php — report on a particular run of that process type, e.g. stack id 12

Updated by Neil Voss almost 14 years ago · 4 revisions