


Problems with SMTP mail server setup

Added by Christopher Lilienthal over 12 years ago

I tried to switch from PHP mail to using a SMTP server. When I enter the information and hit 'NEXT' I get an error message above the text "Determine a mail server to send outgoing email:", the error message follows;

Failed to add recipient: email@domain [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: 504, response: 5.5.2 : Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname)]

I did change the email address to the generic one shown. I verified I can send email manually from the command line using telnet with no problem, oh and this SMTP server does not require authentication.

Anyone else have issues/comments/suggestions?

Replies (3)

RE: Problems with SMTP mail server setup - Added by Amber Herold about 12 years ago

I haven't seen this before. I can do some troubleshooting tomorrow.

RE: Problems with SMTP mail server setup - Added by Amber Herold about 12 years ago

We are not supporting SMTP here at NRAMM, but I can tell you how to remove the error checking in the setup wizard. Then you can complete the wizard setup and see if it works.

On the web server, open the file called setupEmail.php found at myamiweb/setup/setupEmail.php.
Comment out the validation found at line 25.

        if($_POST['enable_smtp'] == 'true'){
            $smtpAuth = ($_POST['smtp_auth'] == 'true') ? true : false;

            $validator->addValidation("smtp_host", $_POST['smtp_host'], "req");
//            $validator->addValidation("smtp_server", array( 'host' => $_POST['smtp_host'], 
//                                                            'email' => $_POST['admin_email'],
//                                                            'auth' => $smtpAuth, 
//                                                            'username' => $_POST['smtp_username'],
//                                                            'password' => $_POST['smtp_password']), "smtp");

Then run through the wizard again. It should complete and create a config.php file for you.

If the smtp mail method does not work, you can choose to use PHP mail instead.

RE: Problems with SMTP mail server setup - Added by Christopher Lilienthal about 12 years ago

Thank you for your response. The suggested change did fix the issue in the setup wizard, however sending mail via SMTP still gives an error.

I do not know how much more time/effort you would like to invest troubleshooting this small issue, so I am content to use PHP mail. If you'd like any more information from me to aid in troubleshooting just let me know and I'll gladly give whatever I can find.

Until then, thank you for your assistance.
