


ability to sort images in groups

Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago


Every time we run leginon on frozzen samples in the fully automated mode we end up with a substantial amount of exposure images that are just not right for further processing (i.e. some are out of focus or just not in the hole although the bast majority just have bad ice) Therefore we wrote a simple matlab script to view the ef images 1 by 1 and save the selected ones (along with the en ones) to a different folder. Although this is working I think it would be nice to have the selection routine interact directly with the database so that processes downstream will only use the images flaged as good ones instead of coping the files somewhere else. Any chance of incorporating anything like that in the db?



Replies (3)

Ability to mark bad images in the database - Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago

Yes indeed this is a good idea and is on the list - might even be available in the next release. The reason it has not been done is that you need to manage this fairly carefully - i.e. one person's idea of a bad image might not be another's so you might need to have the "bad" image designation associated with a particular user not with everyone. We also wanted the ability to make this not a binary decision but to mark and comment on images in a variety of ways. Denis is away for a few weeks but will potentialy be working on this wehn he gets back so feel free to send in suggestions for how you think this ought to work and we will try and make sure that what gets implemented is useful.

RE: ability to sort images in groups - Added by Brian Gibbons about 13 years ago

Was anything like this ever implemented? I would like to be able to sort selected images into separate databases, or be able to just view through selected sets of images. Is there a way to do this? Right now I am copying selected images into another folder for subsequent selection and processing, but this is very tedious with large data sets.

I would REALLY like to be able to sort images into selected sets, view my selected sets, and have the option for selecting these into subsets, and still be able to view with image viewer.

Ideally I would like to make several fully interactive subsets of images that can be easily sorted and re-sorted as desired.

For now I could at least get by with the "hide" option, but I often make a mistake or change my mind, and I can't figure out how to "unhide" images. How do I "unhide"?

Thank you.


RE: ability to sort images in groups - Added by Anchi Cheng about 13 years ago

We have exemplar and hide, not a user defined, unlimited set, yet. There is a issue of query efficiency for unlimited possibility but might be possible. You might want to create a new issue for it, as developers in the group will look in there regarding feature request when they have time in their hand.

Unhide works a bit not intuitively. You would be viewing the hidden set and then click "hide" to hide it from the hidden list. This will hopefully better in future version as the wording was improved by Issue #1001. If this does not work for you, See Issue #1109. There was an error in the installation instruction if you use the more restricted database access.

