#! /usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import json
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import time
search_dir = '/data/cryoem/cryoemdata/arctica_holes' # directory to search for holes, change as needed
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, path)
import numpy as np
import torch
from ptolemy.images import load_mrc, Exposure
import ptolemy.algorithms as algorithms
import ptolemy.models as models
modelpath_seg = path + '/weights/211026_unet_9x64_ep6.torchmodel'
modelpath_cls = path + '/weights/211214_medmag_128x4_avgpool_e5.torchmodel'
sleeptime = 0.1 #seconds to wait to scan new files
def filesInDirectory(my_dir: str):
onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(my_dir) if isfile(join(my_dir, f))]
def main():
while True:
files = filesInDirectory(search_dir)
for myfile in files: # should be only 1 file but just in case...
if myfile.endswith('sq.mrc.txt'):
break # ignore sq images
myfile = search_dir + '/' + myfile
Line = f.readline()
# sample line:
# 22oct13a_Exposure_Targeting /data/cryoem/cryoemdata/leginon/22oct13a/rawdata/22oct13a_p3b9g2a_00002sq_v01_00002hl.mrc /data/cryoem/cryoemdata/leginon/22oct13a/rawdata
(dollar1,dollar2,dollar3) = Line.split()
os.remove(myfile) #delete it now
fmt = 'json'
verbose = False
output = dollar3 + '/' + dollar1 + '.' + fmt # Leginon wants /data/cryoem/cryoemdata/leginon/22oct13a/rawdata/22oct13a_Exposure_Targeting.json
path = dollar2 #path is the file to read which includes full path
print ("output=%s path=%s dollar1=%s dollar2=%s dollar3=%s\n" %(output,path,dollar1,dollar2,dollar3))
findholes(verbose,path, fmt, output)
print ("error in findholes\n")
time.sleep(sleeptime) #seconds
print ("holefinder sleeping\n")
def findholes(verbose,path,format_,output):
# open the montage
print ("working on %s" %(path))
image = load_mrc(path)
# if len(image.shape) > 2:
# print('WARNING: ' + path + ' is an image stack. Only processing the first image.', file=sys.stderr)
# image = image[0]
ex = Exposure(image)
segmenter = algorithms.UNet_Segmenter(64, 9, model_path=modelpath_seg)
processor = algorithms.MedMag_Process_Mask()
cropper = algorithms.MedMag_Process_Crops()
model = models.AveragePoolModel(4, 128)
wrapper = models.Wrapper(model)
ex.score_crops(wrapper, final=False)
vertices = [box.as_matrix_y().tolist() for box in ex.crops.boxes]
areas = [box.area() for box in ex.crops.boxes]
centers = np.round(ex.crops.center_coords.as_matrix_y()).astype(int).tolist()
# intensities = ex.mean_intensities
scores = ex.crops.scores
if format_ == 'json':
order = np.argsort(scores)[::-1]
js = []
for i in order:
d = {}
d['vertices'] = vertices[i]
d['center'] = centers[i]
d['area'] = float(areas[i])
# d['brightness'] = float(intensities[i])
d['score'] = float(scores[i])
content = json.dumps(js)
elif format_ == 'txt': # write coordinates simply as tab delimited file
# get the regions centers
points = centers
# points are (y-axis, x-axis)
# flip to (x-axis, y-axis)
# points = np.stack([points[:,1], points[:,0]], axis=1)
content = ['\t'.join(['x_coord', 'y_coord'])]
for point in points:
content.append('\t'.join([str(point[0]), str(point[1])]))
content = '\n'.join(content)
f = sys.stdout
if output is not None:
f = open(output, 'w')
print(content, file=f)
except: #create empty file on exception
print ("Exception!\n")
if output is not None:
f = open(output, 'w')
if __name__ == '__main__':