#!/usr/bin/env python
# The Leginon software is Copyright 2003
# The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
# For terms of the license agreement
# see http://ami.scripps.edu/software/leginon-license
from leginon import leginondata
import targetfinder
import threading
import gui.wx.ClickTargetFinder
class FileTargetFinder(targetfinder.ClickTargetFinder):
targetnames = ['preview', 'reference', 'focus', 'acquisition']
panelclass = gui.wx.ClickTargetFinder.Panel
eventoutputs = targetfinder.ClickTargetFinder.eventoutputs
settingsclass = leginondata.ClickTargetFinderSettingsData
defaultsettings = dict(targetfinder.ClickTargetFinder.defaultsettings)
def __init__(self, id, session, managerlocation, **kwargs):
targetfinder.ClickTargetFinder.__init__(self, id, session, managerlocation, **kwargs)
# Anchi: This is copied from targetfinder.TargetFinder to show an example
# of selecting one of the image to be used in findTarget.
def processImageData(self, imagedata):
Gets and publishes target information of specified image leginondata.
if self.settings['ignore images']:
for target_name in self.targetnames:
self.setTargets([], target_name, block=True)
# check if there is already a target list for this image
# or any other versions of this image (all from same target/preset)
# exclude sublists (like rejected target lists)
qtarget = imagedata['target']
# Anchi: Here I will fake a way to decide if this is the center imagedata
# It will return without doing anything further if it is not
# Here it checks if imagedata comes from the second target of the parent image
if qtarget['number'] != 2:
pname = imagedata['preset']['name']
qpreset = leginondata.PresetData(name=pname)
qpreset = None
qimage = leginondata.AcquisitionImageData(target=qtarget, preset=qpreset)
previouslists = self.researchTargetLists(image=qimage, sublist=False)
if previouslists:
# I hope you can only have one target list on an image, right?
targetlist = previouslists[0]
db = False
self.logger.info('Existing target list on this image...')
# no previous list, so create one and fill it with targets
targetlist = self.newTargetList(image=imagedata, queue=self.settings['queue'])
db = True
if self.settings['allow append'] or len(previouslists)==0:
self.findTargets(imagedata, targetlist)
self.logger.debug('Publishing targetlist...')
## if queue is turned on, do not notify other nodes of each target list publish
if self.settings['queue']:
pubevent = False
pubevent = True
self.publish(targetlist, database=db, pubevent=pubevent)
self.logger.debug('Published targetlist %s' % (targetlist.dbid,))
if self.settings['wait for done'] and not self.settings['queue']:
# Anchi: we want center_imdata so that we can copy its scope condition
# In addition, when this is called, it needs to know which targetlist
# it should add the targets to which is setup by the function calling it.
def findTargets(self, center_imdata, targetlist):
message = 'finding targets'
# Anchi's fake image loading
import numpy
mosaic_image = numpy.ones((256,256))
filename = center_imdata['filename']+'_stitch'
# initializer gives the new imagedata all metadata of the old imdata
imdata = leginondata.AcquisitionImageData(initializer=center_imdata)
# CameraEMData referenced in imdata has to be modified to
# have it centered at the same place as
# the original and give the true dimension so that targets on it can
# go to the stage position or image shift relative to it.
mosaic_shape = mosaic_image.shape
camdata0 = center_imdata['camera']
camdata1 = leginondata.CameraEMData(initializer=camdata0)
binning = camdata0['binning']
axes = {'x':1,'y':0}
for axis in axes.keys():
camdata1['dimension'][axis] = mosaic_shape[axes[axis]]
change = camdata0['dimension'][axis]*camdata0['binning'][axis] - camdata1['dimension'][axis]*binning[axis]
camdata1['offset'][axis] = (camdata0['offset'][axis]*camdata0['binning'][axis]+(change / 2))/binning[axis]
imdata['camera'] = camdata1
imdata['image'] = mosaic_image
imdata['filename'] = filename
# Anchi: As is, this can not be used in target adjustment since Leginon can not
# acquire the whole mosaic image by going to the single scope condition saved.
# It will take some work to do that.
# for a simpla case like this, self.publish is the same as insert. Only need one
# also no need to force
#self.publish(imagedata, dbforce= True, pubevent=True)
self.currentimagedata = imdata
# This enough to set image in the gui
self.setImage(imdata['image'], 'Image')
goodpoints = []
# Anchi: for my testing, I just use the same file over and over
file_path = './test.txt'
target_file = open(file_path,'r')
target_list = target_file.readlines()
for target in target_list:
coordinates = target.rstrip().split(',')
x = float(coordinates[0])
y = float(coordinates[1])
self.logger.error('Target file %s can not be read' % (file_path))
self.setTargets(goodpoints, 'acquisition', block=True)
# Anchi: copied from targetfinder.ClickTargetFinder
while True:
if not self.processPreviewTargets(imdata, targetlist):
self.logger.info('Publishing targets...')
for i in self.targetnames:
if i == 'reference':
self.publishTargets(imdata, i, targetlist)