# The Leginon software is Copyright 2004
# The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
# For terms of the license agreement
# see http://ami.scripps.edu/software/leginon-license
# $Source: /ami/sw/cvsroot/pyleginon/calibrationclient.py,v $
# $Revision: 1.211 $
# $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
# $Date: 2007-05-22 19:21:07 $
# $Author: pulokas $
# $State: Exp $
# $Locker: $
import node, leginondata, event
import numpy
import scipy
import pyami.quietscipy
import scipy.ndimage
import math
from pyami import correlator, peakfinder, arraystats, imagefun, fftfun, numpil, ellipse
import time
import sys
import threading
import gonmodel
import tiltcorrector
import tableau
import pyami.mrc
import itertools
idcounter = itertools.cycle(range(100))
def saveDebugImage(im, label=None):
timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime())
nextid = idcounter.next()
if label is None:
label = ''
label = label+'_'
filename = '%s%s_%s.mrc' % (label, timestamp, nextid)
allstats = arraystats.all(im)
print 'Saving %s' % (filename,)
print '\tstats:\n\t\tmean: %(mean)s\n\t\tstd: %(std)s\n\t\tmin: %(min)s\n\t\tmax: %(max)s' % allstats
pyami.mrc.write(im, filename)
class Drifting(Exception):
class Abort(Exception):
class NoPixelSizeError(Exception):
class NoMatrixCalibrationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'state' in kwargs:
self.state = kwargs['state']
self.state = None
Exception.__init__(self, *args)
class NoSensitivityError(Exception):
class CalibrationClient(object):
this is a component of a node that needs to use calibrations
mover = False
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
self.instrument = self.node.instrument
except AttributeError:
self.instrument = None
self.correlator = correlator.Correlator()
self.abortevent = threading.Event()
self.tiltcorrector = tiltcorrector.TiltCorrector(node)
self.stagetiltcorrector = tiltcorrector.VirtualStageTilter(node)
self.rpixelsize = None
self.powerbinning = 2
self.debug = False
def checkAbort(self):
if self.abortevent.isSet():
raise Abort()
def getPixelSize(self, mag, tem=None, ccdcamera=None):
queryinstance = leginondata.PixelSizeCalibrationData()
queryinstance['magnification'] = mag
if tem is None:
queryinstance['tem'] = self.instrument.getTEMData()
queryinstance['tem'] = tem
if ccdcamera is None:
queryinstance['ccdcamera'] = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
queryinstance['ccdcamera'] = ccdcamera
caldatalist = self.node.research(datainstance=queryinstance, results=1)
if len(caldatalist) > 0:
return caldatalist[0]['pixelsize']
return None
def getImagePixelSize(self,imagedata):
scope = imagedata['scope']['tem']
ccd = imagedata['camera']['ccdcamera']
mag = imagedata['scope']['magnification']
campixelsize = self.getPixelSize(mag,tem=scope, ccdcamera=ccd)
binning = imagedata['camera']['binning']
dimension = imagedata['camera']['dimension']
pixelsize = {'x':campixelsize*binning['x'],'y':campixelsize*binning['y']}
return pixelsize
def getImageReciprocalPixelSize(self,imagedata):
imagepixelsize = self.getImagePixelSize(imagedata)
dimension = imagedata['camera']['dimension']
rpixelsize = {'x':1.0/(imagepixelsize['x']*dimension['x']),'y':1.0/(imagepixelsize['y']*dimension['y'])}
return rpixelsize
def correctTilt(self, imagedata):
return self.tiltcorrector.correct_tilt(imagedata)
def acquireImage(self, scope, settle=0.0, correct_tilt=False, corchannel=0):
if scope is not None:
newemdata = leginondata.ScopeEMData(initializer=scope)
self.node.startTimer('calclient acquire pause')
self.node.stopTimer('calclient acquire pause')
imagedata = self.node.acquireCorrectedCameraImageData(corchannel)
saveDebugImage(imagedata['image'], 'calclient')
if correct_tilt:
corrected = self.correctTilt(imagedata)
if corrected:
saveDebugImage(imagedata['image'], 'calclient_tiltcorrect')
newscope = imagedata['scope']
self.node.setImage(imagedata['image'], 'Image')
return imagedata
def measureScopeChange(self, previousimage, nextscope, settle=0.0, correct_tilt=False, correlation_type='phase', lp=None):
Acquire an image at nextscope and correlate to previousimage
# make sure previous image is in the correlator
if self.correlator.getImage(1) is not previousimage['image']:
## use opposite correction channel
corchannel = previousimage['correction channel']
if corchannel:
corchannel = 0
corchannel = 1
## acquire neximage
nextimage = self.acquireImage(nextscope, settle, correct_tilt=correct_tilt, corchannel=corchannel)
imagearray = nextimage['image']
if imagearray.max() == 0:
raise RuntimeError('Bad image intensity range')
## correlate
self.node.startTimer('scope change correlation')
if correlation_type is None:
correlation_type = self.node.settings['correlation type']
except KeyError:
correlation_type = 'phase'
if correlation_type == 'cross':
cor = self.correlator.crossCorrelate()
elif correlation_type == 'phase':
cor = self.correlator.phaseCorrelate()
raise RuntimeError('invalid correlation type')
self.node.stopTimer('scope change correlation')
if lp is not None:
cor = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(cor, lp)
## find peak
self.node.startTimer('shift peak')
peak = peakfinder.findSubpixelPeak(cor)
self.node.stopTimer('shift peak')
self.node.logger.debug('Peak %s' % (peak,))
pixelpeak = peak['subpixel peak']
self.node.startTimer('shift display')
self.node.stopTimer('shift display')
peakvalue = peak['subpixel peak value']
shift = correlator.wrap_coord(peak['subpixel peak'], cor.shape)
self.node.logger.debug('pixel shift (row,col): %s' % (shift,))
## need unbinned result
binx = nextimage['camera']['binning']['x']
biny = nextimage['camera']['binning']['y']
unbinned = {'row':shift[0] * biny, 'col': shift[1] * binx}
shiftinfo = {'previous': previousimage, 'next': nextimage, 'pixel shift': unbinned}
return shiftinfo
def measureStateDefocus(self, nextscope, settle=0.0):
Acquire an image at nextscope and estimate the ctf parameters
## acquire neximage
nextimage = self.acquireImage(nextscope, settle, correct_tilt=False)
## get ctf parameters
self.ht = nextimage['scope']['high tension']
if not self.rpixelsize:
self.rpixelsize = self.getImageReciprocalPixelSize(nextimage)
imagearray = nextimage['image']
if imagearray.max() == 0:
raise RuntimeError('Bad image intensity range')
pow = imagefun.power(imagearray)
ctfdata = fftfun.fitFirstCTFNode(pow,self.rpixelsize['x'], None, self.ht)
if ctfdata is not None:
self.node.logger.info('defocus: %.3f um, zast: %.3f um' % (ctfdata[0]*1e6,ctfdata[1]*1e6))
defocusinfo = {'next': nextimage, 'defocus': ctfdata[0]}
self.node.logger.warning('ctf estimation failed')
defocusinfo = {'next': nextimage, 'defocus': None}
return nextimage, defocusinfo
def initTableau(self):
self.tableauimages = []
self.tableauangles = []
self.tableaurads = []
self.tabimage = None
self.ctfdata = []
def insertTableau(self, imagedata, angle, rad):
image = imagedata['image']
binning = self.powerbinning
if True:
pow = imagefun.power(image)
binned = imagefun.bin(pow, binning)
s = None
self.ht = imagedata['scope']['high tension']
if not self.rpixelsize:
self.rpixelsize = self.getImageReciprocalPixelSize(imagedata)
ctfdata = fftfun.fitFirstCTFNode(pow,self.rpixelsize['x'], None, self.ht)
if ctfdata:
s = '%d' % int(ctfdata[0]*1e9)
eparams = ctfdata[4]
center = numpy.divide(eparams['center'], binning)
a = eparams['a'] / binning
b = eparams['b'] / binning
alpha = eparams['alpha']
ellipse1 = pyami.ellipse.drawEllipse(binned.shape, 2*numpy.pi/180, center, a, b, alpha)
ellipse2 = pyami.ellipse.drawEllipse(binned.shape, 5*numpy.pi/180, center, a, b, alpha)
min = arraystats.min(binned)
max = arraystats.max(binned)
numpy.putmask(binned, ellipse1, min)
numpy.putmask(binned, ellipse2, max)
#elif self.ace2exe:
elif False:
ctfdata = self.estimateCTF(imagedata)
z0 = (ctfdata['defocus1'] + ctfdata['defocus2']) / 2
s = '%d' % (int(z0*1e9),)
if s:
t = numpil.textArray(s, binning)
t = min + t * (max-min)
imagefun.pasteInto(t, binned, (20,20))
binned = imagefun.bin(image, binning)
def renderTableau(self):
if not self.tableauimages:
size = self.tableauimages[0].shape[0]
radinc = numpy.sqrt(2 * size * size)
tab = tableau.Tableau()
for i,im in enumerate(self.tableauimages):
ang = self.tableauangles[i]
rad = radinc * self.tableaurads[i]
tab.insertImage(im, angle=ang, radius=rad)
self.tabimage,self.tabscale = tab.render()
mean = self.tabimage.mean()
std = self.tabimage.std()
newmax = mean + 5 * std
a = numpy.where(self.tabimage >= newmax, newmax, self.tabimage)
a = numpy.clip(a, 0, mean*1.5)
self.tabimage = scipy.ndimage.zoom(a,self.powerbinning/3.0)
def displayImage(self, im):
self.node.setImage(im, 'Image')
def displayCorrelation(self, im):
self.node.setImage(im, 'Correlation')
def displayTableau(self, im):
self.node.setImage(im, 'Tableau')
def displayPeak(self, rowcol=None):
if rowcol is None:
targets = []
# target display requires x,y order not row,col
targets = [(rowcol[1], rowcol[0])]
self.node.setTargets(targets, 'Peak')
class DoseCalibrationClient(CalibrationClient):
coulomb = 6.2414e18
def __init__(self, node):
CalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
self.psizecal = PixelSizeCalibrationClient(node)
def storeSensitivity(self, ht, sensitivity):
newdata = leginondata.CameraSensitivityCalibrationData()
newdata['session'] = self.node.session
newdata['high tension'] = ht
newdata['sensitivity'] = sensitivity
newdata['tem'] = self.instrument.getTEMData()
newdata['ccdcamera'] = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
self.node.publish(newdata, database=True, dbforce=True)
def retrieveSensitivity(self, ht, tem, ccdcamera):
qdata = leginondata.CameraSensitivityCalibrationData()
qdata['tem'] = tem
qdata['ccdcamera'] = ccdcamera
qdata['high tension'] = ht
results = self.node.research(datainstance=qdata, results=1)
if results:
result = results[0]['sensitivity']
raise NoSensitivityError('No sensitivity calibration.')
return result
def dose_from_screen(self, screen_mag, beam_current, beam_diameter):
## electrons per screen area per second
beam_area = math.pi * (beam_diameter/2.0)**2
screen_electrons = beam_current * self.coulomb / beam_area
## electrons per specimen area per second (dose rate)
dose_rate = screen_electrons * (screen_mag**2)
return dose_rate
def sensitivity(self, dose_rate, camera_mag, camera_pixel_size, exposure_time, counts):
if camera_mag == 0:
raise ValueError('invalid camera magnification given')
camera_dose = float(dose_rate) / float((camera_mag**2))
self.node.logger.info('Camera dose %.4e' % camera_dose)
dose_per_pixel = camera_dose * (camera_pixel_size**2)
electrons_per_pixel = dose_per_pixel * exposure_time
if electrons_per_pixel == 0:
raise ValueError('invalid electrons per pixel calculated')
self.node.logger.info('Calculated electrons/pixel %.4e'
% electrons_per_pixel)
counts_per_electron = float(counts) / electrons_per_pixel
return counts_per_electron
def sensitivity_from_imagedata(self, imagedata, dose_rate):
tem = imagedata['scope']['tem']
ccdcamera = imagedata['camera']['ccdcamera']
mag = imagedata['scope']['magnification']
self.node.logger.info('Magnification %.1f' % mag)
specimen_pixel_size = self.psizecal.retrievePixelSize(tem,
ccdcamera, mag)
self.node.logger.info('Specimen pixel size %.4e' % specimen_pixel_size)
camera_pixel_size = imagedata['camera']['pixel size']['x']
self.node.logger.info('Camera pixel size %.4e' % camera_pixel_size)
camera_mag = camera_pixel_size / specimen_pixel_size
self.node.logger.info('CCD Camera magnification %.1f' % camera_mag)
exposure_time = imagedata['camera']['exposure time'] / 1000.0
binning = imagedata['camera']['binning']['x']
mean_counts = arraystats.mean(imagedata['image']) / (binning**2)
return self.sensitivity(dose_rate, camera_mag, camera_pixel_size,
exposure_time, mean_counts)
def dose_from_imagedata(self, imagedata):
imagedata indirectly contains most info needed to calc dose
tem = imagedata['scope']['tem']
if tem is None:
tem = self.instrument.getTEMData()
ccdcamera = imagedata['camera']['ccdcamera']
if ccdcamera is None:
ccdcamera = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
camera_pixel_size = imagedata['camera']['pixel size']['x']
ht = imagedata['scope']['high tension']
binning = imagedata['camera']['binning']['x']
mag = imagedata['scope']['magnification']
specimen_pixel_size = self.psizecal.retrievePixelSize(tem, ccdcamera, mag)
self.node.logger.debug('Specimen pixel size %.4e' % specimen_pixel_size)
exp_time = imagedata['camera']['exposure time'] / 1000.0
numdata = imagedata['image']
sensitivity = self.retrieveSensitivity(ht, tem, ccdcamera)
self.node.logger.debug('Sensitivity %.2f' % sensitivity)
mean_counts = arraystats.mean(numdata) / (binning**2)
self.node.logger.debug('Mean counts %.1f' % mean_counts)
totaldose = mean_counts / specimen_pixel_size**2 / sensitivity
return totaldose
class PixelSizeCalibrationClient(CalibrationClient):
basic CalibrationClient for accessing a type of calibration involving
a matrix at a certain magnification
def __init__(self, node):
CalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def researchPixelSizeData(self, tem, ccdcamera, mag):
queryinstance = leginondata.PixelSizeCalibrationData()
queryinstance['magnification'] = mag
if tem is None:
queryinstance['tem'] = self.instrument.getTEMData()
queryinstance['tem'] = tem
if ccdcamera is None:
queryinstance['ccdcamera'] = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
queryinstance['ccdcamera'] = ccdcamera
caldatalist = self.node.research(datainstance=queryinstance)
return caldatalist
def retrievePixelSize(self, tem, ccdcamera, mag):
finds the requested pixel size using magnification
caldatalist = self.researchPixelSizeData(tem, ccdcamera, mag)
if len(caldatalist) < 1:
raise NoPixelSizeError()
caldata = caldatalist[0]
pixelsize = caldata['pixelsize']
return pixelsize
def time(self, tem, ccdcamera, mag):
pdata = self.researchPixelSizeData(tem, ccdcamera, mag)
if len(pdata) < 1:
timeinfo = None
timeinfo = pdata[0].timestamp
return timeinfo
def retrieveLastPixelSizes(self, tem, camera):
caldatalist = self.researchPixelSizeData(tem, camera, None)
last = {}
for caldata in caldatalist:
mag = caldata['magnification']
print 'CALDATA', caldata
if mag not in last:
last[mag] = caldata
return last.values()
class MatrixCalibrationClient(CalibrationClient):
basic CalibrationClient for accessing a type of calibration involving
a matrix at a certain magnification
def __init__(self, node):
CalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def parameter(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def researchMatrix(self, tem, ccdcamera, caltype, ht, mag):
queryinstance = leginondata.MatrixCalibrationData()
queryinstance['tem'] = tem
queryinstance['ccdcamera'] = ccdcamera
queryinstance['type'] = caltype
queryinstance['magnification'] = mag
queryinstance['high tension'] = ht
caldatalist = self.node.research(datainstance=queryinstance, results=1)
if caldatalist:
caldata = caldatalist[0]
return caldata
excstr = 'no matrix for %s, %s, %s, %seV, %sx' % (tem['name'], ccdcamera['name'], caltype, ht, mag)
raise NoMatrixCalibrationError(excstr, state=queryinstance)
def retrieveMatrix(self, tem, ccdcamera, caltype, ht, mag):
finds the requested matrix using magnification and type
caldata = self.researchMatrix(tem, ccdcamera, caltype, ht, mag)
matrix = caldata['matrix'].copy()
return matrix
def time(self, tem, ccdcamera, ht, mag, caltype):
caldata = self.researchMatrix(tem, ccdcamera, caltype, ht, mag)
caldata = None
if caldata is None:
timestamp = None
timestamp = caldata.timestamp
return timestamp
def storeMatrix(self, ht, mag, type, matrix, tem=None, ccdcamera=None):
stores a new calibration matrix
if tem is None:
tem = self.instrument.getTEMData()
if ccdcamera is None:
ccdcamera = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
newmatrix = numpy.array(matrix, numpy.float64)
caldata = leginondata.MatrixCalibrationData(session=self.node.session, magnification=mag, type=type, matrix=matrix, tem=tem, ccdcamera=ccdcamera)
caldata['high tension'] = ht
self.node.publish(caldata, database=True, dbforce=True)
def getMatrixAngles(self, matrix):
matrix = numpy.linalg.inv(matrix)
x_shift_row = matrix[0, 0]
x_shift_col = matrix[1, 0]
y_shift_row = matrix[0, 1]
y_shift_col = matrix[1, 1]
# calculations invert image coordinates (+y top, -y bottom)
# angle from the x shift of the parameter
theta_x = math.atan2(-x_shift_row, x_shift_col)
# angle from the y shift of the parameter
theta_y = math.atan2(-y_shift_row, -y_shift_col)
return theta_x, theta_y
def getAngles(self, *args):
matrix = self.retrieveMatrix(*args)
return self.getMatrixAngles(matrix)
class BeamTiltCalibrationClient(MatrixCalibrationClient):
def __init__(self, node):
MatrixCalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def getBeamTilt(self):
return self.instrument.tem.BeamTilt
return None
def setBeamTilt(self, bt):
self.instrument.tem.BeamTilt = bt
def storeRotationCenter(self, tem, ht, mag, beamtilt):
rc = leginondata.RotationCenterData()
rc['high tension'] = ht
rc['magnification'] = mag
rc['beam tilt'] = beamtilt
rc['tem'] = tem
rc['session'] = self.node.session
self.node.publish(rc, database=True, dbforce=True)
def retrieveRotationCenter(self, tem, ht, mag):
rc = leginondata.RotationCenterData()
rc['tem'] = tem
rc['high tension'] = ht
rc['magnification'] = mag
results = self.node.research(datainstance=rc, results=1)
if results:
return results[0]['beam tilt']
return None
def measureRotationCenter(self, defocus1, defocus2, correlation_type=None, settle=0.5):
tem = self.instrument.getTEMData()
cam = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
ht = self.instrument.tem.HighTension
mag = self.instrument.tem.Magnification
fmatrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, cam, 'defocus', ht, mag)
except NoMatrixCalibrationError:
raise RuntimeError('missing calibration matrix')
state1 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state2 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state1['defocus'] = defocus1
state2['defocus'] = defocus2
im1 = self.acquireImage(state1, settle=settle)
shiftinfo = self.measureScopeChange(im1, state2, settle=settle, correlation_type=correlation_type)
shift = shiftinfo['pixel shift']
d = shift['row'],shift['col']
bt = self.solveEq10_t(fmatrix, defocus1, defocus2, d)
return {'x':bt[0], 'y':bt[1]}
def measureDefocusStig(self, tilt_value, stig=True, correct_tilt=False, correlation_type=None, settle=0.5, image0=None):
tem = self.instrument.getTEMData()
cam = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
ht = self.instrument.tem.HighTension
mag = self.instrument.tem.Magnification
fmatrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, cam, 'defocus', ht, mag)
except NoMatrixCalibrationError:
raise RuntimeError('missing calibration matrix')
## only do stig if stig matrices exist
amatrix = bmatrix = None
if stig:
tiltaxes = ('x','y')
amatrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, cam, 'stigx', ht, mag)
bmatrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, cam, 'stigy', ht, mag)
except NoMatrixCalibrationError:
stig = False
tiltaxes = ('x',)
tiltaxes = ('x',)
tiltcenter = self.getBeamTilt()
if image0 is None:
image0 = self.acquireImage(None, settle=settle, correct_tilt=correct_tilt)
### need two tilt displacement measurements to get stig
shifts = []
tilts = []
for tiltaxis in tiltaxes:
bt2 = dict(tiltcenter)
bt2[tiltaxis] += tilt_value
state2 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state2['beam tilt'] = bt2
shiftinfo = self.measureScopeChange(image0, state2, settle=settle, correlation_type=correlation_type)
except Abort:
pixshift = shiftinfo['pixel shift']
shifts.append( (pixshift['row'], pixshift['col']) )
if tiltaxis == 'x':
tilts.append( (tilt_value, 0) )
tilts.append( (0, tilt_value) )
except Abort:
## return to original beam tilt
self.instrument.tem.BeamTilt = tiltcenter
sol = self.solveEq10(fmatrix, amatrix, bmatrix, tilts, shifts)
return sol
def OLDmeasureDefocusStig(self, tilt_value, publish_images=False, drift_threshold=None, stig=True, target=None, correct_tilt=False, correlation_type=None, settle=0.5):
tem = self.instrument.getTEMData()
cam = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
ht = self.instrument.tem.HighTension
mag = self.instrument.tem.Magnification
fmatrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, cam, 'defocus', ht, mag)
except NoMatrixCalibrationError:
raise RuntimeError('missing calibration matrix')
if stig:
amatrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, cam, 'stigx', ht, mag)
bmatrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, cam, 'stigy', ht, mag)
except NoMatrixCalibrationError:
stig = False
tiltcenter = self.getBeamTilt()
#self.node.logger.info('Tilt center: x = %g, y = %g.' % (tiltcenter['x'], tiltcenter['y']))
### need two tilt displacement measurements
### easiest is one on each tilt axis
shifts = {}
tilts = {}
nodrift = False
lastdrift = None
for tiltaxis in ('x','y'):
bt1 = dict(tiltcenter)
bt1[tiltaxis] -= tilt_value
bt2 = dict(tiltcenter)
bt2[tiltaxis] += tilt_value
state1 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state2 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state1['beam tilt'] = bt1
state2['beam tilt'] = bt2
## if no drift on 'x' axis, then assume we don't
## need to check on 'y' axis
if nodrift:
drift_threshold = None
shiftinfo = self.measureStateShift(state1, state2, publish_images, settle=settle, drift_threshold=drift_threshold, target=target, correct_tilt=correct_tilt, correlation_type=correlation_type)
except Abort:
except Drifting:
## return to original beam tilt
self.instrument.tem.BeamTilt = tiltcenter
#self.node.logger.info('Returned to tilt center: x = %g, y = %g.' % (tiltcenter['x'], tiltcenter['y']))
nodrift = True
if shiftinfo['driftdata'] is not None:
lastdrift = shiftinfo['driftdata']
pixshift = shiftinfo['pixel shift']
shifts[tiltaxis] = (pixshift['row'], pixshift['col'])
if tiltaxis == 'x':
tilts[tiltaxis] = (2*tilt_value, 0)
tilts[tiltaxis] = (0, 2*tilt_value)
except Abort:
## return to original beam tilt
self.instrument.tem.BeamTilt = tiltcenter
#self.node.logger.info('Returned to tilt center: x = %g, y = %g.' % (tiltcenter['x'], tiltcenter['y']))
#self.node.logger.info('Tilts %s, shifts %s' % (tilts, shifts))
d1 = shifts['x']
t1 = tilts['x']
d2 = shifts['y']
t2 = tilts['y']
if stig:
sol = self.solveEq10(fmatrix,amatrix,bmatrix,d1,t1,d2,t2)
#self.node.logger.info('Defocus: %g, stig.: (%g, %g), min. = %g' % (sol['defocus'], sol['stigx'], sol['stigy'], sol['min']))
sol = self.solveEq10_nostig(fmatrix,d1,t1,d2,t2)
#self.node.logger.info('Defocus: %g, stig.: (not measured), min. = %g' % (sol['defocus'], sol['min']))
sol['lastdrift'] = lastdrift
return sol
def solveEq10(self, F, A, B, tilts, shifts):
This solves Equation 10 from Koster paper
F,A,B are the defocus, stigx, and stigy calibration matrices
(all must be 2x2 numpy arrays)
d1,d2 are displacements resulting from beam tilts t1,t2
(all must be 2x1 numpy arrays)
v = numpy.array(shifts, numpy.float64).ravel()
matrices = []
for matrix in (F,A,B):
if matrix is not None:
mt = []
for tilt in tilts:
t = numpy.array(tilt)
mm = []
for matrix in matrices:
m = numpy.dot(matrix, t)
m = numpy.concatenate(mm, 1)
M = numpy.concatenate(mt, 0)
solution = numpy.linalg.lstsq(M, v)
result = {'defocus': solution[0][0], 'min': float(solution[1][0])}
if len(solution[0]) == 3:
result['stigx'] = solution[0][1]
result['stigy'] = solution[0][2]
result['stigx'] = None
result['stigy'] = None
return result
solveEq10 = classmethod(solveEq10)
def solveDefocus(self, F, d, t, tiltaxis):
if tiltaxis == 'x':
ft = t * numpy.hypot(*F[:,0])
ft = t * numpy.hypot(*F[:,1])
f = d / ft
return f
solveDefocus = classmethod(solveDefocus)
def solveEq10_t(self, F, f1, f2, d):
This solves t (misalignment) in equation 10 from Koster paper
given a displacement resulting from a defocus change
F is defocus calibration matric
f1, f2 are two defoci used to measure displacement d (row,col)
a = (f2-f1) * F
b = numpy.array(d, numpy.float)
tiltx,tilty = numpy.linalg.solve(a,b)
return tiltx,tilty
def eq11(self, shifts, parameters, beam_tilt):
Equation (11)
Calculates one column of a beam tilt calibration matrix given
the following arguments:
shifts - pixel shift resulting from tilt at parameters
parameters - value of microscope parameters causing shifts
beam_tilt - value of the induced beam tilt
shift = numpy.zeros((2,), numpy.float)
shift[0] = shifts[1]['row'] - shifts[0]['row']
shift[1] = shifts[1]['col'] - shifts[0]['col']
return shift/(2*(parameters[1] - parameters[0])*beam_tilt)
except ZeroDivisionError:
raise ValueError('invalid measurement, scale is zero')
def measureDisplacements(self, tilt_axis, tilt_value, states, **kwargs):
This measures the displacements that go into eq. (11)
Each call of this function acquires four images
and returns two shift displacements.
# try/finally to be sure we return to original beam tilt
# set up to measure states
beam_tilt = self.instrument.tem.BeamTilt
beam_tilts = (dict(beam_tilt), dict(beam_tilt))
beam_tilts[0][tilt_axis] += tilt_value
beam_tilts[1][tilt_axis] -= tilt_value
pixel_shifts = []
m = 'Beam tilt measurement (%d of '
m += str(len(states))
m += '): (%g, %g) pixels'
for i, state in enumerate(states):
args = []
s0 = leginondata.ScopeEMData(initializer=state)
s0['beam tilt'] = beam_tilts[0]
s1 = leginondata.ScopeEMData(initializer=state)
s1['beam tilt'] = beam_tilts[1]
im0 = self.acquireImage(s0, **kwargs)
result = self.measureScopeChange(im0, s1, **kwargs)
pixel_shift = result['pixel shift']
args = (i + 1, pixel_shift['col'], pixel_shift['row'])
self.node.logger.info(m % args)
# return to original beam tilt
self.instrument.tem.BeamTilt = beam_tilt
return tuple(pixel_shifts)
def measureDefocusDifference(self, tiltvector, settle):
Measure defocus difference between tilting plus tiltvector
compared to minus tiltvector
btorig = self.getBeamTilt()
bt0 = btorig['x'], btorig['y']
#im0 = self.acquireImage(None, settle=settle)
d_diff = None
d = []
for tsign in (1,-1):
delta = numpy.multiply(tsign, tiltvector)
bt = numpy.add(bt0, delta)
state1 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state1['beam tilt'] = {'x': bt[0], 'y': bt[1]}
im1, defocusinfo = self.measureStateDefocus(state1, settle=settle)
defocusshift = defocusinfo['defocus']
angle = math.atan2(tiltvector[1],tiltvector[0]) * tsign
if angle == 0.0 and tsign == -1:
angle = math.pi
self.insertTableau(im1, angle, 1/math.sqrt(2))
tlength = math.hypot(tiltvector[0],tiltvector[1])
d_diff = numpy.multiply((d[1]-d[0])/tlength, tiltvector)
return d_diff
def getMeasured_Defocii(self):
return self.measured_defocii
def measureMatrixC(self, m, t, settle):
determine matrix C, the beam-tilt coma matrix
m = misalignment value, t = tilt value
self.rpixelsize = None
self.ht = None
# original beam tilt
btorig = self.getBeamTilt()
bt0 = btorig['x'], btorig['y']
diffs = {}
self.measured_defocii = []
for axisn, axisname in ((0,'x'),(1,'y')):
diffs[axisname] = {}
for msign in (1,-1):
## misalign beam tilt
mis_delta = [0,0]
mis_delta[axisn] = msign * m
mis_bt = numpy.add(bt0, mis_delta)
mis_bt = {'x': mis_bt[0], 'y': mis_bt[1]}
tvect = [0, 0]
tvect[axisn] = t
diff = self.measureDefocusDifference(tvect, settle)
if diff is None or not self.confirmDefocusInRange():
diffs[axisname][msign] = diff
## return to original beam tilt
matrix = numpy.zeros((2,2), numpy.float32)
if m!=0:
matrix[:,0] = numpy.divide(numpy.subtract(diffs['x'][-1], diffs['x'][1]), 2 * m * t)
matrix[:,1] = numpy.divide(numpy.subtract(diffs['y'][-1], diffs['y'][1]), 2 * m * t)
return matrix
def confirmDefocusInRange(self):
if len(self.measured_defocii) < 1:
return False
defocusarray = numpy.array(self.measured_defocii)
defocusmean = defocusarray.mean()
aimed_defocus = self.instrument.tem.Defocus
if (((abs(aimed_defocus)+1e-6)*3) < defocusmean) or (abs((aimed_defocus+1e-6)*0.2)) > defocusmean:
self.node.logger.warning('Estimated defocus out of range at %e' % defocusmean)
return False
return True
def calculateImageShiftComaMatrix(self,tdata,xydata):
''' Fit the beam tilt vector induced by image shift
to a straight line on individual axis.
Strickly speaking we should use orthogonal distance regression.'''
ordered_axes = ['x','y']
matrix = numpy.zeros((2,2))
coma0 = {'x':0.0,'y':0.0}
for index1, axis1 in enumerate(ordered_axes):
data = xydata[axis1]
for axis2 in data.keys():
(slope,t_intercept) = scipy.polyfit(numpy.array(tdata[axis1]),numpy.array(xydata[axis1][axis2]),1)
index2 = ordered_axes.index(axis2)
matrix[index1,index2] = slope
coma0[axis2] += t_intercept
coma0[axis2] /= len(ordered_axes)
return matrix, coma0
def measureComaFree(self, tilt_value, settle):
tem = self.instrument.getTEMData()
cam = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
ht = self.instrument.tem.HighTension
mag = self.instrument.tem.Magnification
self.rpixelsize = None
self.ht = ht
par = 'beam-tilt coma'
cmatrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, cam, 'beam-tilt coma', ht, mag)
except NoMatrixCalibrationError:
raise RuntimeError('missing %s calibration matrix' % par)
dc = [0,0]
for axisn, axisname in ((0,'x'),(1,'y')):
tvect = [0, 0]
tvect[axisn] = tilt_value
dc[axisn] = self.measureDefocusDifference(tvect, settle)
dc = numpy.array(dc) / tilt_value
cftilt = numpy.linalg.solve(cmatrix, dc)
if not self.confirmDefocusInRange():
cftilt[(0,0)] = 0
cftilt[(1,1)] = 0
return cftilt
def repeatMeasureComaFree(self, tilt_value, settle, repeat=1):
'''repeat measuremnet to increase precision'''
tilts = {'x':[],'y':[]}
self.measured_defocii = []
for i in range(0,repeat):
cftilt = self.measureComaFree(tilt_value, settle)
except Exception, e:
cftilt = None
if cftilt is None:
comatilt = {'x':None, 'y':None}
comatilt = {'x':cftilt[(0,0)],'y':cftilt[(1,1)]}
self.node.logger.debug(" %5.2f, %5.2f" % (cftilt[(0,0)]*1000,cftilt[(1,1)]*1000))
if len(tilts['x']):
xarray = numpy.array(tilts['x'])
yarray = numpy.array(tilts['y'])
self.node.logger.debug("m %5.2f, %5.2f" %(xarray.mean()*1000,yarray.mean()*1000))
self.node.logger.debug("std %5.2f, %5.2f" %(xarray.std()*1000,yarray.std()*1000))
return xarray,yarray
def transformImageShiftToBeamTilt(self, imageshift, tem, cam, ht, zerobeamtilt, mag):
newbeamtilt = {}
par = 'image-shift coma'
# not to query specific mag for now
matrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, cam, 'image-shift coma', ht, None)
except NoMatrixCalibrationError:
raise RuntimeError('missing %s calibration matrix' % par)
self.node.logger.debug("Image Shift ( %5.2f, %5.2f)" % (imageshift['x']*1e6,imageshift['y']*1e6))
shiftvect = numpy.array((imageshift['x'], imageshift['y']))
change = numpy.dot(matrix, shiftvect)
newbeamtilt['x'] = zerobeamtilt['x'] + change[0]
newbeamtilt['y'] = zerobeamtilt['y'] + change[1]
self.node.logger.debug("Beam Tilt Correction ( %5.2f, %5.2f)" % (change[0]*1e3,change[1]*1e3))
self.node.logger.debug("Beam Tilt ( %5.2f, %5.2f)" % (newbeamtilt['x']*1e3,newbeamtilt['y']*1e3))
return newbeamtilt
def correctImageShiftComa(self):
tem = self.instrument.getTEMData()
cam = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
ht = self.instrument.tem.HighTension
mag = self.instrument.tem.Magnification
shift = self.instrument.tem.ImageShift
scopestate = leginondata.ScopeEMData(tem=tem,magnification=mag)
camerastate = leginondata.ScopeEMData(ccdcamera=cam)
tilt0 = self.instrument.tem.BeamTilt
scopestate['high tension'] = ht
scopestate['image shift'] = shift0
scopestate['beam tilt'] = tilt0
beamtilt = scopestate['beam tilt']
beamtilt = transformImageShiftToBeamTilt(shift, tem, cam, ht, beamtilt, mag)
class SimpleMatrixCalibrationClient(MatrixCalibrationClient):
mover = True
def __init__(self, node):
MatrixCalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def parameter(self):
returns a scope key for the calibrated parameter
raise NotImplementedError()
def measurementToMatrix(self, measurement):
convert a mesurement in pixels/[TEM parameter] to a matrix
in [TEM parameter]/pixel
xrow = measurement['x']['row']
xcol = measurement['x']['col']
yrow = measurement['y']['row']
ycol = measurement['y']['col']
matrix = numpy.array([[xrow,yrow],[xcol,ycol]],numpy.float)
matrix = numpy.linalg.inv(matrix)
return matrix
def transform(self, pixelshift, scope, camera):
Calculate a new scope state from the given pixelshift
The input scope and camera state should refer to the image
from which the pixelshift originates
mag = scope['magnification']
ht = scope['high tension']
binx = camera['binning']['x']
biny = camera['binning']['y']
par = self.parameter()
tem = scope['tem']
ccdcamera = camera['ccdcamera']
matrix = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, ccdcamera, par, ht, mag)
pixrow = pixelshift['row'] * biny
pixcol = pixelshift['col'] * binx
pixvect = numpy.array((pixrow, pixcol))
change = numpy.dot(matrix, pixvect)
changex = change[0]
changey = change[1]
### take into account effect of alpha tilt on Y stage pos
if par == 'stage position':
if 'a' in scope[par] and scope[par]['a'] is not None:
alpha = scope[par]['a']
changey = changey / numpy.cos(alpha)
new = leginondata.ScopeEMData(initializer=scope)
## make a copy of this since it will be modified
new[par] = dict(scope[par])
new[par]['x'] += changex
new[par]['y'] += changey
return new
def itransform(self, position, scope, camera):
parameter = self.parameter()
args = (
scope['high tension'],
matrix = self.retrieveMatrix(*args)
inverse_matrix = numpy.linalg.inv(matrix)
shift = dict(position)
shift['x'] -= scope[parameter]['x']
shift['y'] -= scope[parameter]['y']
# take into account effect of stage alpha tilt on y stage position
if parameter == 'stage position':
if 'a' in scope[parameter] and scope[parameter]['a'] is not None:
alpha = scope[parameter]['a']
shift['y'] = shift['y']*numpy.cos(alpha)
shift_vector = numpy.array((shift['x'], shift['y']))
pixel = numpy.dot(inverse_matrix, shift_vector)
pixel_shift = {
'row': pixel[0]/camera['binning']['y'],
'col': pixel[1]/camera['binning']['x'],
return pixel_shift
class ImageShiftCalibrationClient(SimpleMatrixCalibrationClient):
def __init__(self, node):
SimpleMatrixCalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def parameter(self):
return 'image shift'
def pixelToPixel(self, tem, ccdcamera, ht, mag1, mag2, p1):
Using stage position as a global coordinate system, we can
do pixel to pixel transforms between mags.
This function will calculate a pixel vector at mag2, given
a pixel vector at mag1.
par = self.parameter()
matrix1 = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, ccdcamera, par, ht, mag1)
matrix2 = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, ccdcamera, par, ht, mag2)
matrix2inv = numpy.linalg.inv(matrix2)
p1 = numpy.array(p1)
stagepos = numpy.dot(matrix1, p1)
p2 = numpy.dot(matrix2inv, stagepos)
return p2
class BeamShiftCalibrationClient(SimpleMatrixCalibrationClient):
mover = False
def __init__(self, node):
SimpleMatrixCalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def parameter(self):
return 'beam shift'
class ImageBeamShiftCalibrationClient(ImageShiftCalibrationClient):
def __init__(self, node):
ImageShiftCalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
self.beamcal = BeamShiftCalibrationClient(node)
def transform(self, pixelshift, scope, camera):
scope2 = ImageShiftCalibrationClient.transform(self, pixelshift, scope, camera)
## do beam shift in oposite direction
opposite = {'row': -pixelshift['row'], 'col': -pixelshift['col']}
scope3 = self.beamcal.transform(opposite, scope2, camera)
return scope3
class StageCalibrationClient(SimpleMatrixCalibrationClient):
def __init__(self, node):
SimpleMatrixCalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def parameter(self):
return 'stage position'
def pixelToPixel(self, tem, ccdcamera, ht, mag1, mag2, p1):
Using stage position as a global coordinate system, we can
do pixel to pixel transforms between mags.
This function will calculate a pixel vector at mag2, given
a pixel vector at mag1.
par = self.parameter()
matrix1 = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, ccdcamera, par, ht, mag1)
matrix2 = self.retrieveMatrix(tem, ccdcamera, par, ht, mag2)
matrix2inv = numpy.linalg.inv(matrix2)
p1 = numpy.array(p1)
stagepos = numpy.dot(matrix1, p1)
p2 = numpy.dot(matrix2inv, stagepos)
return p2
class StageTiltCalibrationClient(StageCalibrationClient):
def __init__(self, node):
StageCalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def measureZ(self, tilt_value, correlation_type=None):
This is currently hard coded based on our Tecnai, but should be calibrated
for every scope.
For a positive stage tilt on Tecnai:
If Z is too positive, Y moves negative
If Z is too negative, Y moves positive
orig_a = self.instrument.tem.StagePosition['a']
state1 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state2 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state1['stage position'] = {'a':-tilt_value}
state2['stage position'] = {'a':tilt_value}
## alpha backlash correction
self.instrument.tem.StagePosition = state1['stage position']
self.instrument.tem.StagePosition = state2['stage position']
## do tilt and measure image shift
im1 = self.acquireImage(state1)
shiftinfo = self.measureScopeChange(im1, state2, correlation_type=correlation_type)
self.instrument.tem.StagePosition = {'a':orig_a}
state1 = shiftinfo['previous']['scope']
state2 = shiftinfo['next']['scope']
pixelshift = shiftinfo['pixel shift']
#psize = self.getPixelSize(state1['magnification'])
#dist = psize * math.hypot(pixelshift['row'], pixelshift['col'])
# fake the current state for the transform with alpha = 0
scope = leginondata.ScopeEMData(initializer=state1)
scope['stage position']['a'] = 0.0
cam = leginondata.CameraEMData()
# measureScopeChange already unbinned it, so fake cam bin = 1
cam['binning'] = {'x':1,'y':1}
cam['ccdcamera'] = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
# get the virtual x,y movement
newscope = self.transform(pixelshift, scope, cam)
# y component is all we care about to get Z
y = newscope['stage position']['y'] - scope['stage position']['y']
z = y / 2.0 / math.sin(tilt_value)
return z
def measureTiltAxisLocation(self, tilt_value=0.26, numtilts=1, tilttwice=False,
update=False, snrcut=10.0, correlation_type='phase', medfilt=False):
measure position on image of tilt axis
tilt_value is in radians
# need to do something with this data
pixelshiftree = []
for i in range(numtilts):
#get first image
imagedata0, ps = self._getPeakFromTiltStates(tilt0imagedata=None,
tilt1=-tilt_value, medfilt=medfilt, snrcut=snrcut, correlation_type=correlation_type)
if ps['snr'] > snrcut:
if tilttwice is True:
#get second image
imagedata0, ps = self._getPeakFromTiltStates(tilt0imagedata=imagedata0,
tilt1=tilt_value, medfilt=medfilt, snrcut=snrcut)
if ps['snr'] > snrcut:
if len(pixelshiftree) < 1:
#wasn't a good enough fit
self.node.logger.error("image correction failed, snr below cutoff")
return imagedata0, pixelshift
self.node.logger.info("averaging %s measurements for final value" % (len(pixelshiftree)))
snrtotal = 0.0
rowtotal = 0.0
coltotal = 0.0
for ps in pixelshiftree:
snrtotal += ps['snr']
rowtotal += ps['row']*ps['snr']
coltotal += ps['col']*ps['snr']
self.node.logger.info("measured pixel shift: %s, %s" % (ps['row'], ps['col']))
pixelshift = {
self.node.logger.info("final pixel shift: %s, %s" % (pixelshift['row'], pixelshift['col']))
## convert pixel shift into stage movement
newscope = self.transform(pixelshift, imagedata0['scope'], imagedata0['camera'])
## only want the y offset (distance from tilt axis)
deltay = newscope['stage position']['y'] - imagedata0['scope']['stage position']['y']
## scale correlation shift to the axis offset
scale = 1.0 / numpy.tan(tilt_value/2.0) / numpy.tan(tilt_value)
deltay *= scale
tem = self.instrument.getTEMData()
ccdcamera = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
axisoffset = leginondata.StageTiltAxisOffsetData(offset=deltay,tem=tem,ccdcamera=ccdcamera)
if update:
q = leginondata.StageTiltAxisOffsetData(tem=tem,ccdcamera=ccdcamera)
offsets = self.node.research(q, results=1)
if offsets:
axisoffset['offset'] += offsets[0]['offset']
self.node.publish(axisoffset, database=True, dbforce=True)
self.node.logger.info('stage delta y: %s' % (deltay,))
shift = {'x':0, 'y':deltay}
position = dict(imagedata0['scope']['stage position'])
position['x'] += shift['x']
position['y'] += shift['y']
pixelshift = self.itransform(position, imagedata0['scope'], imagedata0['camera'])
self.node.logger.info('pixelshift for delta y: %s' % (pixelshift,))
pixelshift = {'row':pixelshift['row'], 'col':pixelshift['col']}
self.node.logger.info('pixelshift from axis: %s' % (pixelshift,))
return imagedata0, pixelshift
def measureTiltAxisLocation2(self, tilt_value=0.0696, tilttwice=False,
update=False, correlation_type='phase', beam_tilt=0.01):
measure position on image of tilt axis
tilt_value is in radians
# need to do something with this data
defshifts = []
#get first image
imagedata0, defshift = self._getDefocDiffFromTiltStates(tilt0imagedata=None,
tilt1=-tilt_value, correlation_type=correlation_type, beam_tilt_value=beam_tilt)
if defshift is not None and abs(defshift) < 1e-5:
if tilttwice is True:
#get second image
imagedata0, defshift = self._getDefocDiffFromTiltStates(tilt0imagedata=imagedata0,
tilt1=tilt_value, correlation_type=correlation_type, beam_tilt_value=beam_tilt)
if defshift is not None and abs(defshift) < 1e-5:
print defshifts
if len(defshifts) < 1:
#no good defocus measurement
self.node.logger.error("bad defocus measurements")
return imagedata0, None
self.node.logger.info("averaging %s measurements for final value" % (len(defshifts)))
deltaz = sum(defshifts)/len(defshifts)
self.node.logger.info("final defocus shift: %.2f um" % (deltaz/1e-6))
## only want the y offset (distance from tilt axis)
deltay = deltaz/math.sin(tilt_value)
## scale correlation shift to the axis offset
tem = self.instrument.getTEMData()
ccdcamera = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
axisoffset = leginondata.StageTiltAxisOffsetData(offset=deltay,tem=tem,ccdcamera=ccdcamera)
if update:
q = leginondata.StageTiltAxisOffsetData(tem=tem,ccdcamera=ccdcamera)
offsets = self.node.research(q, results=1)
if offsets:
axisoffset['offset'] += offsets[0]['offset']
self.node.publish(axisoffset, database=True, dbforce=True)
self.node.logger.info('stage delta y: %s' % (deltay,))
shift = {'x':0, 'y':deltay}
position = dict(imagedata0['scope']['stage position'])
position['x'] += shift['x']
position['y'] += shift['y']
pixelshift = self.itransform(position, imagedata0['scope'], imagedata0['camera'])
self.node.logger.info('pixelshift for delta y: %s' % (pixelshift,))
pixelshift = {'row':pixelshift['row'], 'col':pixelshift['col']}
self.node.logger.info('pixel shift from axis: %s' % (pixelshift,))
return imagedata0, pixelshift
def _getPeakFromTiltStates(self, tilt0imagedata=None, tilt1=0.26, medfilt=True, snrcut=10.0, correlation_type='phase'):
orig_a = self.instrument.tem.StagePosition['a']
state0 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state1 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state0['stage position'] = {'a':0.0}
state1['stage position'] = {'a':tilt1}
tilt1deg = round(-tilt1*180.0/math.pi,4)
if tilt0imagedata is None:
self.node.logger.info('acquiring tilt=0 degrees')
imagedata0 = self.node.acquireCorrectedCameraImageData()
im0 = imagedata0['image']
imagedata0 = tilt0imagedata
im0 = imagedata0['image']
self.node.logger.info('acquiring tilt=%s degrees' % (tilt1deg))
imagedata1 = self.node.acquireCorrectedCameraImageData()
im1 = imagedata1['image']
self.instrument.tem.StagePosition = {'a':orig_a}
self.node.logger.info('correlating images for tilt %s' % (tilt1deg))
self.correlator.setImage(0, im0)
self.correlator.setImage(1, im1)
if correlation_type is 'phase':
pc = self.correlator.phaseCorrelate()
if medfilt is True:
pc = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(pc, size=3)
pc = self.correlator.crossCorrelate()
peak01 = peakfinder.findSubpixelPeak(pc)
snr = 1.0
if 'snr' in peak01:
snr = peak01['snr']
if snr < snrcut:
#wasn't a good enough fit
self.node.logger.warning("beam tilt axis measurement failed, snr below cutoff; "+
"continuing for rest of images")
## translate peak into image shift coordinates
peak01a = peak01['subpixel peak']
shift01 = correlator.wrap_coord(peak01a, pc.shape)
if tilt1 > 0:
pixelshift = {'row':-1.0*shift01[0], 'col':-1.0*shift01[1], 'snr':snr }
pixelshift = {'row':shift01[0], 'col':shift01[1], 'snr':snr }
self.node.logger.info("measured pixel shift: %s, %s" % (pixelshift['row'], pixelshift['col']))
self.node.logger.info("signal-to-noise ratio: %s" % (round(snr,2),))
return imagedata0, pixelshift
def _getDefocDiffFromTiltStates(self, tilt0imagedata=None, tilt1=0.26, correlation_type='phase',beam_tilt_value=0.01):
orig_a = self.instrument.tem.StagePosition['a']
state0 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state1 = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
state0['stage position'] = {'a':0.0}
state1['stage position'] = {'a':tilt1}
tilt1deg = round(-tilt1*180.0/math.pi,4)
if tilt0imagedata is None:
self.node.logger.info('acquiring tilt=0 degrees')
imagedata0 = self.node.acquireCorrectedCameraImageData()
im0 = imagedata0['image']
imagedata0 = tilt0imagedata
im0 = imagedata0['image']
defresult = self.node.btcalclient.measureDefocusStig(beam_tilt_value, False, False, correlation_type, 0.5, imagedata0)
except RuntimeError, e:
self.node.logger.error('Measurement failed: %s' % e)
return imagedata0, None
def0 = defresult['defocus']
print defresult
minres = defresult['min']
self.node.logger.info('acquiring tilt=%s degrees' % (tilt1deg))
imagedata1 = self.node.acquireCorrectedCameraImageData()
im1 = imagedata1['image']
defresult = self.node.btcalclient.measureDefocusStig(beam_tilt_value, False, False, correlation_type, 0.5, imagedata1)
def1 = defresult['defocus']
print defresult
minres = min((minres,defresult['min']))
if minres > 5000000:
self.node.logger.error('Measurement not reliable: residual= %.0f' % minres)
return imagedata0, None
self.instrument.tem.StagePosition = {'a':orig_a}
## calculate defocus difference
defocusdiff = def1 - def0
self.node.logger.info("measured defocus difference is %.2f um" % (defocusdiff*1e6))
return imagedata0, defocusdiff
class ModeledStageCalibrationClient(MatrixCalibrationClient):
mover = True
def __init__(self, node):
CalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def parameter(self):
return 'stage position'
def pixelToPixel(self, tem, ccdcamera, ht, mag1, mag2, p1):
Using stage position as a global coordinate system, we can
do pixel to pixel transforms between mags.
This function will calculate a pixel vector at mag2, given
a pixel vector at mag1.
scope = leginondata.ScopeEMData()
scope['tem'] = tem
scope['high tension'] = ht
scope['stage position'] = {'x':0.0, 'y':0.0}
camera = leginondata.CameraEMData()
camera['ccdcamera'] = ccdcamera
camera['binning'] = {'x':1,'y':1}
scope['magnification'] = mag1
pixelshift = {'row':p1[0], 'col':p1[1]}
newscope = self.transform(pixelshift, scope, camera)
scope['magnification'] = mag2
position = newscope['stage position']
pix = self.itransform(position, scope, camera)
return pix['row'],pix['col']
def storeMagCalibration(self, tem, cam, label, ht, mag, axis, angle, mean):
caldata = leginondata.StageModelMagCalibrationData()
caldata['session'] = self.node.session
caldata['tem'] = tem
caldata['ccdcamera'] = cam
caldata['label'] = label
caldata['high tension'] = ht
caldata['magnification'] = mag
caldata['axis'] = axis
caldata['angle'] = angle
caldata['mean'] = mean
self.node.publish(caldata, database=True, dbforce=True)
def researchMagCalibration(self, tem, cam, ht, mag, axis):
qinst = leginondata.StageModelMagCalibrationData(magnification=mag, axis=axis)
qinst['high tension'] = ht
if tem is None:
qinst['tem'] = self.instrument.getTEMData()
qinst['tem'] = tem
if cam is None:
qinst['ccdcamera'] = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
qinst['ccdcamera'] = cam
caldatalist = self.node.research(datainstance=qinst, results=1)
if len(caldatalist) > 0:
caldata = caldatalist[0]
caldata = None
return caldata
def retrieveMagCalibration(self, tem, cam, ht, mag, axis):
caldata = self.researchMagCalibration(tem, cam, ht, mag, axis)
if caldata is None:
raise RuntimeError('no model mag calibration in axis %s'% axis)
caldata2 = dict(caldata)
return caldata2
def timeMagCalibration(self, tem, cam, ht, mag, axis):
caldata = self.researchMagCalibration(tem, cam, ht, mag, axis)
if caldata is None:
timeinfo = None
timeinfo = caldata.timestamp
return timeinfo
def getMatrixFromStageModelMag(self, tem, cam, ht, mag):
caldatax = self.retrieveMagCalibration(tem, cam, ht, mag, 'x')
caldatay = self.retrieveMagCalibration(tem, cam, ht, mag, 'y')
except Exception, e:
matrix = None
self.node.logger.warning('Cannot get matrix from stage model: %s' % e)
return matrix
means = [caldatax['mean'],caldatay['mean']]
angles = [caldatax['angle'],caldatay['angle']]
matrix = numpy.ones((2,2), numpy.float64)
matrix[0, 0]=means[0]*math.sin(angles[0])
matrix[1, 0]=-means[0]*math.cos(angles[0])
matrix[0, 1]=-means[1]*math.sin(angles[1])
matrix[1, 1]=means[1]*math.cos(angles[1])
return matrix
def storeModelCalibration(self, tem, cam, label, axis, period, a, b):
caldata = leginondata.StageModelCalibrationData()
caldata['tem'] = tem
caldata['ccdcamera'] = cam
caldata['session'] = self.node.session
caldata['tem'] = self.instrument.getTEMData()
caldata['ccdcamera'] = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
caldata['label'] = label
caldata['axis'] = axis
caldata['period'] = period
## force it to be 2 dimensional so sqldict likes it
a.shape = (1,len(a))
b.shape = (1,len(b))
caldata['a'] = a
caldata['b'] = b
self.node.publish(caldata, database=True, dbforce=True)
def researchModelCalibration(self, tem, ccdcamera, axis):
qinst = leginondata.StageModelCalibrationData(axis=axis)
if tem is None:
qinst['tem'] = self.instrument.getTEMData()
qinst['tem'] = tem
if ccdcamera is None:
qinst['ccdcamera'] = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
qinst['ccdcamera'] = ccdcamera
caldatalist = self.node.research(datainstance=qinst, results=1)
if len(caldatalist) > 0:
caldata = caldatalist[0]
caldata = None
return caldata
def retrieveModelCalibration(self, tem, ccd, axis):
caldata = self.researchModelCalibration(tem, ccd, axis)
if caldata is None:
raise RuntimeError('no model calibration in axis %s'% axis)
## return it to rank 0 array
caldata2 = {}
caldata2['axis'] = caldata['axis']
caldata2['period'] = caldata['period']
caldata2['a'] = numpy.ravel(caldata['a']).copy()
caldata2['b'] = numpy.ravel(caldata['b']).copy()
return caldata2
def timeModelCalibration(self, tem, cam, axis):
caldata = self.researchModelCalibration(tem, cam, axis)
if caldata is None:
timeinfo = None
timeinfo = caldata.timestamp
return timeinfo
def getLabeledData(self, tem, cam, label, mag, axis):
qdata = leginondata.StageMeasurementData()
qdata['tem'] = tem
qdata['ccdcamera'] = cam
qdata['label'] = label
qdata['magnification'] = mag
qdata['axis'] = axis
measurements = self.node.research(datainstance=qdata)
if not measurements:
raise RuntimeError('no measurements')
self.node.logger.info('len(measurements) %d' % len(measurements))
ht = measurements[0]['high tension']
datapoints = []
for measurement in measurements:
if measurement['high tension'] != ht:
raise RuntimeError('inconsistent high tension in measurements')
datapoint = []
return {'datapoints':datapoints, 'ht': ht}
def fit(self, tem, cam, label, mag, axis, terms):
if tem is None:
tem = self.node.instrument.getTEMData()
if cam is None:
cam = self.node.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
# get data from DB
info = self.getLabeledData(tem, cam, label, mag, axis)
datapoints = info['datapoints']
ht = info['ht']
dat = gonmodel.GonData()
dat.import_data(mag, axis, datapoints)
## fit a model to the data
mod = gonmodel.GonModel()
mod.fit_data(dat, terms)
### mag info
axis = dat.axis
mag = dat.mag
angle = dat.angle
# using data mean, could use model mean
mean = dat.avg
#mean = mod.a0
self.node.logger.info('model mean: %5.3e meter/pixel, angle: %6.3f radian' % (mean,angle))
### model info
period = mod.period
a = mod.a
b = mod.b
if terms > 0:
self.node.logger.info('model period: %6.1f micrometer' % (period*1e6,))
self.storeMagCalibration(tem, cam, label, ht, mag, axis, angle, mean)
self.storeModelCalibration(tem, cam, label, axis, period, a, b)
matrix = self.getMatrixFromStageModelMag(tem, cam, ht, mag)
if matrix is not None:
self.storeMatrix(ht, mag, 'stage position', matrix, tem, cam)
def fitMagOnly(self, tem, cam, label, mag, axis):
if tem is None:
tem = self.node.instrument.getTEMData()
if cam is None:
cam = self.node.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
# get data from DB
info = self.getLabeledData(tem, cam, label, mag, axis)
datapoints = info['datapoints']
ht = info['ht']
dat = gonmodel.GonData()
dat.import_data(mag, axis, datapoints)
## fit a model to existing model
modeldata = self.retrieveModelCalibration(tem, cam, axis)
mod = gonmodel.GonModel()
mean = mod.fitInto(dat)
### mag info
axis = dat.axis
mag = dat.mag
angle = dat.angle
self.node.logger.info('model mean: %5.3e, angle: %6.3e ' % (mean,angle))
self.storeMagCalibration(tem, cam, label, ht, mag, axis, angle, mean)
matrix = self.getMatrixFromStageModelMag(tem, cam, ht, mag)
if matrix is not None:
self.storeMatrix(ht, mag, 'stage position', matrix, tem, cam)
def itransform(self, position, scope, camera):
curstage = scope['stage position']
tem = scope['tem']
ccd = camera['ccdcamera']
binx = camera['binning']['x']
biny = camera['binning']['y']
xmodcal = self.retrieveModelCalibration(tem, ccd, 'x')
ymodcal = self.retrieveModelCalibration(tem, ccd, 'y')
self.node.logger.debug('x model a %s' % xmodcal['a'])
self.node.logger.debug('x model b %s' % xmodcal['b'])
self.node.logger.debug('y model a shape %s' % ymodcal['a'].shape)
self.node.logger.debug('y model b shape %s' % ymodcal['b'].shape)
xmod = gonmodel.GonModel()
ymod = gonmodel.GonModel()
xmagcal = self.retrieveMagCalibration(tem, ccd, scope['high tension'], scope['magnification'], 'x')
ymagcal = self.retrieveMagCalibration(tem, ccd, scope['high tension'], scope['magnification'], 'y')
self.node.logger.debug('x mag cal %s' % (xmagcal,))
self.node.logger.debug('y mag cal %s' % (ymagcal,))
newx = position['x']
newy = position['y']
pix = self.tixpix(xmod, ymod, xmagcal, ymagcal, curstage['x'], curstage['y'], newx, newy)
pixelshift = {'row': pix[0]/biny, 'col': pix[1]/binx}
return pixelshift
def transform(self, pixelshift, scope, camera):
curstage = scope['stage position']
binx = camera['binning']['x']
biny = camera['binning']['y']
pixrow = pixelshift['row'] * biny
pixcol = pixelshift['col'] * binx
tem = scope['tem']
ccd = camera['ccdcamera']
## do modifications to newstage here
xmodcal = self.retrieveModelCalibration(tem, ccd, 'x')
ymodcal = self.retrieveModelCalibration(tem, ccd, 'y')
self.node.logger.debug('x model a %s' % xmodcal['a'])
self.node.logger.debug('x model b %s' % xmodcal['b'])
self.node.logger.debug('y model a shape %s' % ymodcal['a'].shape)
self.node.logger.debug('y model b shape %s' % ymodcal['b'].shape)
xmod = gonmodel.GonModel()
ymod = gonmodel.GonModel()
xmagcal = self.retrieveMagCalibration(tem, ccd, scope['high tension'], scope['magnification'], 'x')
ymagcal = self.retrieveMagCalibration(tem, ccd, scope['high tension'], scope['magnification'], 'y')
self.node.logger.debug('x mag cal %s' % (xmagcal,))
self.node.logger.debug('y mag cal %s' % (ymagcal,))
delta = self.pixtix(xmod, ymod, xmagcal, ymagcal, curstage['x'], curstage['y'], pixcol, pixrow)
### take into account effect of alpha tilt on Y stage pos
if 'a' in curstage and curstage['a'] is not None:
alpha = curstage['a']
delta['y'] = delta['y'] / numpy.cos(alpha)
newscope = leginondata.ScopeEMData(initializer=scope)
newscope['stage position'] = dict(scope['stage position'])
newscope['stage position']['x'] += delta['x']
newscope['stage position']['y'] += delta['y']
return newscope
def pixtix(self, xmod, ymod, xmagcal, ymagcal, gonx, gony, pixx, pixy):
modavgx = xmagcal['mean']
modavgy = ymagcal['mean']
anglex = xmagcal['angle']
angley = ymagcal['angle']
gonx1 = xmod.rotate(anglex, pixx, pixy)
gony1 = ymod.rotate(angley, pixx, pixy)
gonx1 = gonx1 * modavgx
gony1 = gony1 * modavgy
gonx1 = xmod.predict(gonx,gonx1)
gony1 = ymod.predict(gony,gony1)
return {'x':gonx1, 'y':gony1}
def tixpix(self, xmod, ymod, xmagcal, ymagcal, gonx0, gony0, gonx1, gony1):
## integrate
gonx = xmod.integrate(gonx0,gonx1)
gony = ymod.integrate(gony0,gony1)
## rotate/scale
modavgx = xmagcal['mean']
modavgy = ymagcal['mean']
anglex = xmagcal['angle']
angley = ymagcal['angle']
gonx = gonx / modavgx
gony = gony / modavgy
m = numpy.array(((numpy.cos(anglex),numpy.sin(anglex)),(numpy.cos(angley),numpy.sin(angley))), numpy.float32)
minv = numpy.linalg.inv(m)
ix,iy = numpy.dot(minv, (gonx,gony))
return iy,ix
class EucentricFocusClient(CalibrationClient):
def __init__(self, node):
CalibrationClient.__init__(self, node)
def researchEucentricFocus(self, ht, mag, tem=None, ccdcamera=None):
query = leginondata.EucentricFocusData()
if tem is None:
query['tem'] = self.instrument.getTEMData()
query['tem'] = tem
if ccdcamera is None:
query['ccdcamera'] = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
query['ccdcamera'] = ccdcamera
query['high tension'] = ht
query['magnification'] = mag
datalist = self.node.research(datainstance=query, results=1)
if datalist:
eucfoc = datalist[0]
eucfoc = None
return eucfoc
def publishEucentricFocus(self, ht, mag, ef):
newdata = leginondata.EucentricFocusData()
newdata['session'] = self.node.session
newdata['tem'] = self.instrument.getTEMData()
newdata['ccdcamera'] = self.instrument.getCCDCameraData()
newdata['high tension'] = ht
newdata['magnification'] = mag
newdata['focus'] = ef
self.node.publish(newdata, database=True, dbforce=True)