#!/usr/bin/env python
The TiltCorrector class implements the methods of the following paper:
Correction of autofocusing errors due to specimen tilt for automated
electron tomography. Journal of Microscopy, Vol 211, Pt 2, August 2003,
pp. 179-185
It is useful if you need to cross correlate two images that are at
different beam tilts, and you are on a tilted specimen.
The VirtualStageTilter class is used to stretch images that were acquired
on a tilted stage so that they appear to be untilted.
import numpy
import pyami.quietscipy
import scipy.ndimage
from pyami import arraystats, convolver, affine
import math
import leginondata
## defocus calibration matrix format:
## x-row y-row
## x-col y-col
## stage calibration matrix format:
## xrow yrow
## xcol ycol
#neil needs to changes here?
class TiltCorrector(object):
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
## if tilts are below these thresholds, no need to correct
self.alpha_threshold = 0.02
self.bt_threshold = 0.000001
gauss = convolver.gaussian_kernel(2.0)
self.filter = convolver.Convolver(kernel=gauss)
def affine_transform_matrix(self, btmatrix, stagematrix, btxy, alpha):
create an affine transform matrix to correct a beam tilted and
stage tilted image
## calculate angle of tiltaxis with respect to image row axis
tiltaxis = math.atan2(stagematrix[1,0],stagematrix[0,0])
# normalize beam tilt calibration matrix
knormx = (abs(btmatrix[0,0])+abs(btmatrix[1,0]))/2.0
krx = btmatrix[0,0] / knormx
kcx = btmatrix[1,0] / knormx
knormy = (abs(btmatrix[0,1])+abs(btmatrix[1,1]))/2.0
kry = btmatrix[0,1] / knormy
kcy = btmatrix[1,1] / knormy
## convert beamtilt to pixel displacement
btr = krx * btxy[0] + kry * btxy[1]
btc = kcx * btxy[0] + kcy * btxy[1]
## create transform matrix
mat = numpy.zeros((2,2), numpy.float32)
mat[0,0] = 1 - btr * numpy.sin(tiltaxis)*numpy.sin(alpha)
mat[0,1] = btr * numpy.cos(tiltaxis)*numpy.sin(alpha)
mat[1,0] = -btc * numpy.sin(tiltaxis)*numpy.sin(alpha)
mat[1,1] = 1 + btc * numpy.cos(tiltaxis)*numpy.sin(alpha)
## inverted to calculate input coord from output coord
mat = numpy.linalg.inv(mat)
return mat
def getMatrix(self, tem, cam, ht, mag, type):
matdat = leginondata.MatrixCalibrationData()
matdat['tem'] = tem
matdat['ccdcamera'] = cam
matdat['type'] = type
matdat['magnification'] = mag
matdat['high tension'] = ht
caldatalist = self.node.research(datainstance=matdat, results=1)
if caldatalist:
return caldatalist[0]['matrix']
excstr = 'No %s matrix for %s, %s, %seV, %sx' % (type, tem, cam, ht, mag)
raise RuntimeError(excstr)
def getStageMatrix(self, tem, cam, ht, mag):
return self.getMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag, 'stage position')
def getBeamTiltMatrix(self, tem, cam, ht, mag):
return self.getMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag, 'defocus')
def getImageShiftMatrix(self, tem, cam, ht, mag):
return self.getMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag, 'image shift')
def getRotationCenter(self, tem, ht, mag):
# XXX how do I know my node has a btcalclient?
beam_tilt = self.node.btcalclient.retrieveRotationCenter(tem, ht, mag)
return beam_tilt
def itransform(self, shift, scope, camera):
Copy of calibrationclient method
Calculate a pixel vector from an image center which
represents the given parameter shift.
mag = scope['magnification']
ht = scope['high tension']
binx = camera['binning']['x']
biny = camera['binning']['y']
par = 'image shift'
tem = scope['tem']
cam = camera['ccdcamera']
newshift = dict(shift)
vect = (newshift['x'], newshift['y'])
matrix = self.getImageShiftMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag)
matrix = numpy.linalg.inv(matrix)
pixvect = numpy.dot(matrix, vect)
pixvect = pixvect / (biny, binx)
return {'row':pixvect[0], 'col':pixvect[1]}
def edge_mean(self, im):
m1 = arraystats.mean(im[0])
m2 = arraystats.mean(im[-1])
m3 = arraystats.mean(im[:,0])
m4 = arraystats.mean(im[:,-1])
m = (m1+m2+m3+m4) / 4.0
return m
def correct_tilt(self, imagedata):
takes imagedata and calculates a corrected image
## from imagedata
im = imagedata['image']
alpha = imagedata['scope']['stage position']['a']
if abs(alpha) < self.alpha_threshold:
return False
beamtilt = imagedata['scope']['beam tilt']
ht = imagedata['scope']['high tension']
mag = imagedata['scope']['magnification']
tem = imagedata['scope']['tem']
cam = imagedata['camera']['ccdcamera']
## from DB
tiltcenter = self.getRotationCenter(tem, ht, mag)
# if no tilt center, then cannot do this
if tiltcenter is None:
self.node.logger.info('not correcting tilted images, no rotation center found')
return False
tx = beamtilt['x'] - tiltcenter['x']
ty = beamtilt['y'] - tiltcenter['y']
bt = (tx,ty)
if max(abs(bt[0]),abs(bt[1])) < self.bt_threshold:
# don't transform if beam tilt is small enough
return False
alphadeg = alpha * 180 / 3.14159
self.node.logger.info('correcting tilts, stage: %s deg beam: %s,%s' % (alphadeg, tx, ty))
defocusmatrix = self.getBeamTiltMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag)
stagematrix = self.getStageMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag)
mat = self.affine_transform_matrix(defocusmatrix, stagematrix, bt, alpha)
scope = imagedata['scope']
camera = imagedata['camera']
## calculate pixel shift to get to image shift 0,0
imageshift = dict(scope['image shift'])
#imageshift['x'] *= -1
#imageshift['y'] *= -1
pixelshift = self.itransform(imageshift, scope, camera)
pixelshift = (pixelshift['row'], pixelshift['col'])
offset = affine.affine_transform_offset(im.shape, im.shape, mat, pixelshift)
print "matrix",mat
print "offset",offset
print "mean",mean
print "input dtype",im.dtype
print "input min",im.min()
print "input max",im.max()
im2 = scipy.ndimage.affine_transform(im, mat, offset=offset, mode='constant', cval=mean)
print "output dtype",im2.dtype
print "output min",im2.min()
print "output max",im2.max()
#im2 = self.filter.convolve(im2)
imagedata['image'] = im2
return True
class VirtualStageTilter(object):
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
self.alpha_threshold = 0.02
def maketrans(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, u1, v1, u2, v2, u3, v3):
A method to create an affine transform matrix without thinking too hard.
Stolen from Craigs libcv code.
Given three points x,y, and their transformed points u,v, create
the transform between them (or is it inverse transform?)
Some day when we get smart, we can find a way to generate the affine
trans matrix directly from the stage calibration matrix without the
intermediate step of creating some fake points like this.
det = 1.0/(u1*(v2-v3)-v1*(u2-u3)+(u2*v3-u3*v2))
IT = numpy.zeros((3,3), numpy.float32)
IT[0][0] = ((v2-v3)*x1+(v3-v1)*x2+(v1-v2)*x3)*det
IT[0][1] = ((v2-v3)*y1+(v3-v1)*y2+(v1-v2)*y3)*det
IT[0][2] = 0
IT[1][0] = ((u3-u2)*x1+(u1-u3)*x2+(u2-u1)*x3)*det
IT[1][1] = ((u3-u2)*y1+(u1-u3)*y2+(u2-u1)*y3)*det
IT[1][2] = 0
IT[2][0] = ((u2*v3-u3*v2)*x1+(u3*v1-u1*v3)*x2+(u1*v2-u2*v1)*x3)*det
IT[2][1] = ((u2*v3-u3*v2)*y1+(u3*v1-u1*v3)*y2+(u1*v2-u2*v1)*y3)*det
IT[2][2] = 1
return IT
def affine_transform_matrix(self, stagematrix, alpha):
create an affine transform matrix that will simulate a stage tilt
## calculate stretch factor due to alpha tilt
stretch = 1.0 / numpy.cos(alpha)
## calculate angle of tiltaxis with respect to image row axis
tiltaxis = math.atan2(stagematrix[1,0],stagematrix[0,0])
## pixel vector for x move
xpixel = self.stageToPixel(stagematrix, 1.0, 0.0)
ypixel1 = self.stageToPixel(stagematrix, 0.0, 1.0)
ypixel2 = stretch*ypixel1[0], stretch*ypixel1[1]
it = self.maketrans(0,0,xpixel[0],xpixel[1],ypixel1[0],ypixel1[1],0,0,xpixel[0],xpixel[1],ypixel2[0],ypixel2[1])
## create transform matrix
mat = it[:2,:2]
## inverted to calculate input coord from output coord
#mat = numpy.linalg.inv(mat)
return mat
def stageToPixel(self, matrix, x, y):
inverse_matrix = numpy.linalg.inv(matrix)
position_vector = numpy.array((x, y))
pixel = numpy.dot(inverse_matrix, position_vector)
return pixel
## calculation of offset for affine transform
def affine_transform_offset(self, shape, affine_matrix, imageshift):
calculation of affine transform offset
for now we assume center of image
carray = numpy.array(shape, numpy.float32)
carray.shape = (2,)
carray = carray / 2.0
carray = carray + imageshift
carray2 = numpy.dot(affine_matrix, carray)
imageshift2 = numpy.dot(affine_matrix, carray)
offset = carray - carray2
return offset
def getMatrix(self, tem, cam, ht, mag, type):
matdat = leginondata.MatrixCalibrationData()
matdat['tem'] = tem
matdat['ccdcamera'] = cam
matdat['type'] = type
matdat['magnification'] = mag
matdat['high tension'] = ht
caldatalist = self.node.research(datainstance=matdat, results=1)
if caldatalist:
return caldatalist[0]['matrix']
excstr = 'No %s matrix for %s, %s, %seV, %sx' % (type, tem, cam, ht, mag)
raise RuntimeError(excstr)
def getStageMatrix(self, tem, cam, ht, mag):
matrix = self.getMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag, 'stage position')
except RuntimeError, estr:
print estr
matrix = self.makeFakeStageMatrix(tem, cam, mag)
return matrix
def makeFakeStageMatrix(self, tem, cam, mag):
q = leginondata.PixelSizeCalibrationData(tem=tem, ccdcamera=cam, magnification=mag)
results = q.query(results=1)
if results:
pixelsize= 1.0/mag
matrixlist = map((lambda x:x*pixelsize), [1,0,0,1])
stagematrix = numpy.array(matrixlist)
stagematrix = stagematrix.reshape((2,2))
estr = 'Use fake stage position matrix to stretch the image'
print estr
return stagematrix
def getImageShiftMatrix(self, tem, cam, ht, mag):
return self.getMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag, 'image shift')
def itransform(self, shift, scope, camera):
Copy of calibrationclient method
Calculate a pixel vector from an image center which
represents the given parameter shift.
mag = scope['magnification']
ht = scope['high tension']
binx = camera['binning']['x']
biny = camera['binning']['y']
par = 'image shift'
tem = scope['tem']
cam = camera['ccdcamera']
newshift = dict(shift)
vect = (newshift['x'], newshift['y'])
matrix = self.getImageShiftMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag)
matrix = numpy.linalg.inv(matrix)
pixvect = numpy.dot(matrix, vect)
pixvect = pixvect / (biny, binx)
return {'row':pixvect[0], 'col':pixvect[1]}
def edge_mean(self, im):
m1 = arraystats.mean(im[0])
m2 = arraystats.mean(im[-1])
m3 = arraystats.mean(im[:,0])
m4 = arraystats.mean(im[:,-1])
m = (m1+m2+m3+m4) / 4.0
return m
def getZeroTiltArray(self, imagedata):
takes imagedata and calculates a corrected image
## from imagedata
im = imagedata['image']
alpha = imagedata['scope']['stage position']['a']
ht = imagedata['scope']['high tension']
mag = imagedata['scope']['magnification']
tem = imagedata['scope']['tem']
cam = imagedata['camera']['ccdcamera']
if abs(alpha) < self.alpha_threshold:
return im, numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(2)),(0.0,0.0)
stagematrix = self.getStageMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag)
# mat is the rotation matrix only
mat = self.affine_transform_matrix(stagematrix, alpha)
scope = imagedata['scope']
camera = imagedata['camera']
## calculate pixel shift to get to image shift 0,0
imageshift = dict(scope['image shift'])
#pixelshift = self.itransform(imageshift, scope, camera)
#pixelshift = (pixelshift['row'], pixelshift['col'])
pixelshift = (0.0, 0.0)
offset = self.affine_transform_offset(im.shape, mat, pixelshift)
im2 = scipy.ndimage.affine_transform(im, mat, offset=offset, mode='constant', cval=mean)
return im2, mat,offset
def undo_tilt(self, imagedata):
im2,mat,offset = self.getZeroTiltArray(imagedata)
if im2 is None:
return False
imagedata['image'] = im2
self.node.logger.info('image stretched to reverse alpha tilt')
# print the same when GUI not exists
print 'image stretched to reverse alpha tilt'
return True