


Using PHP >5.4

Added by Michael Saur almost 8 years ago

Dear all,

I am having an issue with installing Leginon on Ubuntu 16.04. Since PHP 5.4 is actively pushed out of the repositories since a good while, I cannot find any repository that would let me have any PHP <5.6. Hence, I am stuck with this version at the moment, although the checkwebserver.php complains that it is too new (it's the only complaint that I get). The myami start page also looks fine, but the problem starts when I click on the test dataset link. I get the following lines as output inside the browser window:

getLastFilenameId(); $sessionId=$xmldata->getSessionId(); $filenames=$xmldata->getFilenames(); $viewer = new viewer(); $viewer->setImageId($imageId); $viewer->setSessionId($sessionId); $viewer->addFileSelector($filenames); $javascript = $viewer->getJavascript(); $view1 = new view('Simple Viewer', 'v1'); $view1->setImageReportScript('imgreportxml.php'); $view1->setHistogramScript('imagehistogramxml.php'); $view1->setDownloadScript('downloadxml.php'); $view1->setImageScript('getimgxml.php'); $view1->setPresetScript('getpresetxml.php'); $view1->displayPTCLIcon(false); $view1->displayTagIcon(false); $view1->displayACEIcon(false); $view1->displayTargetIcon(false); $view1->displayExportLink(false); $view1->displayInfoIcon(false); $view1->setSize(512); $viewer->add($view1); $javascript .= $viewer->getJavascriptInit(); login_header('image viewer', $javascript, 'initviewer()'); echo ' [Troubleshoot] '; ?> View XML data » display(); login_footer(); ?>

Now, I don't know if I have been doing anything else wrong during installation or if it is a PHP version problem. Does anybody have experience with PHP5.6 in this context, where the webserver still works fine? Otherwise I think I might have to try the auto-installer.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Replies (2)

RE: Using PHP >5.4 - Added by Anchi Cheng almost 8 years ago

It more likely a problem of your php setup. I use php 5.6 on my MacBook. It has no problem.

Check Configure_phpini. I suspect that you did not allow short open tag to be read as php tag.

RE: Using PHP >5.4 - Added by Michael Saur almost 8 years ago

Sorry, the reply comes a bit late, but thank you, it was the short open tags that I missed to switch on!
