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What user/group should reduxd run as?
Added by Patrick Goetz about 7 years ago
This page:
provides extremely out of date instructions for starting the reduxd daemon automatically. I'm in the process of writing a systemd service file for reduxd (which I can post back to the Wiki), but before that can happen I need to know what user/group reduxd should run as, and if there are any system services that need to be started before reduxd will run.
Replies (1)
RE: What user/group should reduxd run as? - Added by Sargis Dallakyan about 7 years ago
Reduxd can be run as root/root. It needs read access to image files and write access to cache folder, if caching is enabled. No other system services are needed for reduxd to run. Yes, please post systemd service file for reduxd back to the Wiki. Thanks.