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SOLVED: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface
Added by Patrick Goetz over 6 years ago
Hi -
We're having problems with some information not displaying through the web interface. I've attached a couple of screen shots. Other users also report not seeing configuration information that they can normally see when viewing images.
Replies (12)
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago
Are you missing everything that uses jpgraph ? Is it possible that jpgraph included in myamiweb does not work with your php version ? Goniometer calibration graph depends on whether the users have done such calibration, but tomography tilt model plot certainly should show. Check a single graph in the session summary page, that is the most reliable. If any of the graph works, the problem is not jpgraph.
If the problem is jpgraph not compatible with your php version. Get it from their server, put in library path for myamiweb and see if it works for you.
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Patrick Goetz over 6 years ago
Hi -
Just getting back to the jpgraph issue. Can you tell me where jpgraph is located in a standard installation? I can't seem to find it in the myamiweb folder.
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Patrick Goetz over 6 years ago
Oops, never mind. Just realized it's a collection of php files:
root@kraken:/var/www/html/myamiweb/inc# ls jpgraph* jpgraph_antispam-digits.php jpgraph_gradient.php jpgraph_antispam.php jpgraph_iconplot.php jpgraph_polar.php jpgraph_bar.php jpgraph_imgtrans.php jpgraph_radar.php jpgraph_canvas.php jpgraph_regstat.php jpgraph_canvtools.php jpgraph_line.php jpgraph_date.php jpgraph_log.php jpgraph_scatter.php jpgraph.php jpgraph_stock.php jpgraph_error.php jpgraph_pie3d.php jpgraph_flags.php jpgraph_pie.php jpgraph_gantt.php jpgraph_plotband.php jpgraph_gb2312.php jpgraph_plotline.php
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Thomas Klose over 6 years ago
We had the same problem on our installation and what fixed it was to comment out line 87 in
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Patrick Goetz over 6 years ago
Hi Thomas -
Thanks for the hint, but that fix didn't work for us (nor do I see how it could have). What version of PHP are you using? What linux distribution is it running on? According to the PHP documentation (, the imageantialias function should be available on any version of PHP compiled with gd, and since we have the php-gd package installed, I'm assuming our (Ubuntu 16.04) version of PHP 7.0.30 is compiled with gd support.
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Thomas Klose over 6 years ago
Hi Patrick,
I agree that it does not make much sense. We are running Ubuntu 16.04 with PHP 5.6 and gd support enabled (at least that is what phpinfo reports). The error seems to be a problem with anti aliasing that is specific to the Debian/Ubuntu implementation of gd and a Google search listed this that as an easy workaround for PHP5. Sorry it doesn't seem to work for PHP7.
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago
Thanks to Tomas to provide that works for him. I am glad to see interaction here.
Patrick, I do not have a solution that I can test. jpgraph we put in the repository is just a version that we know worked at the time. You can move that under another folder and download a version that you know works with php 7 and see if our call still works. jpgraph comes with some examples. You should be able to try it out not through myamiweb first.
Good luck.
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago
Hi, Patrick,
Found an old note when I first got my development MacBook upgraded to High Sierra. At least on my Mac, jpgraph error display did not work right on the pre-installed php 7 because lang/ was not in include_path. When there was no error, jpgraph came with myami did work though.
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Patrick Goetz over 6 years ago
Finally am working my way back to this issue. I downloaded a newer version of jpgraph (4.2.3) but notice there isn't a 1-1 correspondence between the files in the jpgraph tgz file and the related files in ~/myamiweb/inc.
In particular, the new jpgraph includes fonts, lang, and theme folders which aren't present in ~/myamiweb/inc.
Are these features of the newer version only, have they been placed in a different location in myamiweb heierarchy, or are they just unnecessary for myamiweb's purposes? Basically I'm asking if you just copied everything from jpgraph-old_version/src to myamiweb/inc or were only selective elements included in the myamiweb distribution?
I'm including a complete listing of the jpgraph-4.2.3 src folder below:
cnsit@kraken:~/jpgraph-4.2.3/src$ ls barcode jpgraph_iconplot.php Examples jpgraph_imgtrans.php flag_mapping jpgraph_led.php flags.dat flags_thumb100x100.dat jpgraph_line.php flags_thumb35x35.dat jpgraph_log.php flags_thumb60x60.dat fonts jpgraph_mgraph.php jpgraph.php imageSmoothArc.php jpgraph_pie3d.php jpgraph_pie.php jpgraph_plotband.php jpgraph_plotline.php jpgraph_polar.php jpgraph_radar.php jpgraph_regstat.php jpgraph_antispam-digits.php jpgraph_antispam.php jpgraph_scatter.php jpgraph_bar.php jpgraph_stock.php jpgraph_canvas.php jpgraph_table.php jpgraph_canvtools.php jpgraph_contour.php jpgraph_date.php jpgraph_error.php jpgraph_windrose.php jpgraph_flags.php lang jpgraph_gantt.php README jpgraph_gb2312.php themes jpgraph_gradient.php
(I didn't mention the barcode folder, as I'm pretty sure that's not relevant.
RE: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago
Hi, Patrick,
I do not know for sure but I think lang used to located in other php inc area as built-in. It should not be a problem including them here.
However, I think you should first test its functionality in a stand-alone case by following jpgraph's installation and testing examples from their site before you put it inside myamiweb. This way you will be able to ping point which part has the problem.
RE: SOLVED: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Patrick Goetz over 6 years ago
Updating jpgraph to 4.2.3 mostly solved the problem. I will document my steps here.
1. Download jpgraph-4.2.3.tar.gz from this location: and untar into any folder. The files you will need can be found here: ~/jpgraph-4.2.3/src
2. The jpgraph files used by myamiweb are located here: ~/myamiweb/inc
Based on a comparison between the folders, remove the following files from ~/myamiweb/inc jpgraph_iconplot.php jpgraph_imgtrans.php jpgraph_line.php jpgraph_log.php jpgraph.php jpgraph_pie3d.php jpgraph_pie.php jpgraph_antispam-digits.php jpgraph_plotband.php jpgraph_antispam.php jpgraph_plotline.php jpgraph_bar.php jpgraph_canvas.php jpgraph_polar.php jpgraph_canvtools.php jpgraph_radar.php jpgraph_date.php jpgraph_regstat.php jpgraph_error.php jpgraph_scatter.php jpgraph_flags.php jpgraph_stock.php jpgraph_gantt.php jpgraph_gb2312.php jpgraph_gradient.php
3. The new version of jpgraph includes a number of additional files. Some of these (e.g. bargraph and Examples) are clearly not relevant to myamiweb. These are the files I copied from the src folder to ~/myamiweb/inc:
fonts jpgraph_line.php imageSmoothArc.php jpgraph_log.php jpgraph_mgraph.php jpgraph.php jpgraph_pie3d.php jpgraph_pie.php jpgraph_plotband.php jpgraph_plotline.php jpgraph_antispam-digits.php jpgraph_antispam.php jpgraph_polar.php jpgraph_bar.php jpgraph_radar.php jpgraph_canvas.php jpgraph_regstat.php jpgraph_canvtools.php jpgraph_contour.php jpgraph_scatter.php jpgraph_date.php jpgraph_stock.php jpgraph_table.php jpgraph_error.php jpgraph_flags.php jpgraph_gantt.php jpgraph_gb2312.php jpgraph_gradient.php jpgraph_windrose.php jpgraph_iconplot.php lang jpgraph_imgtrans.php themes jpgraph_led.php
4. Unfortunately this didn't quite work yet! When trying to generate a graph, I got the following error message:
jpgraph error: 25128 the function imageantialias() is not available in your php installation use the gd version that comes with php and not the standalone version
However I do have the PHP version of gd installed:
root@kraken:/etc/php/7.0/apache2# dpkg -l | grep php | grep gd ii php-gd 1:7.0+35ubuntu6.1 all GD module for PHP [default] ii php7.0-gd 7.0.30-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 GD module for PHP
Apparently this is a known problem. Multiple web pages suggest the following solution (e.g. )
Edit the file, commenting out the JpGraphError line in the else { statement:
// Should we use anti-aliasing. Note: This really slows down graphics! function SetAntiAliasing($aFlg=true) { $this->use_anti_aliasing = $aFlg; if( function_exists('imageantialias') ) { imageantialias($this->img,$aFlg); } else { ----> // JpGraphError::RaiseL(25128);//('The function imageantialias() is not available in your PHP installation. Use the GD version that comes with PHP and not the standalone version.') } }
This results in a working jpgraph installation for myamiweb, at least for PHP 7.0.
RE: SOLVED: Web display problems: unable to see tilt series or goniometer calibration information in the web interface - Added by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago
Thanks for putting the steps you went through here for others to follow.