


creating synced stacks for tilted and untilted particles from RCT data and tilt picker

Added by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago

Question from David Taylor

Dear Appion,

I recently collected tilt pairs and used the Appion pipeline to process the data. I was able to use TiltPicker to correlate my template based particle picking run between the tilt-pair micrographs. It was super easy and very quick! I want to extract both the tilted and untitled stacks from Appion to process them using other programs. I have tried many methods, but I cannot do this successfully. There are more particles in one stack and I'm not entirely sure the particles are correlated. I even tried to just output the box files, but this is also not working. I know Appion uses the database to store relations. Is there anyway I can box out the particles into a tilted and untitled stack where the particles are exactly correlated to each other?


Replies (1)

RE: creating synced stacks for tilted and untilted particle stack from RCT data and tilt picker - Added by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago

Answer from Neil Voss

There is a command line only program called "" where the input is your tilted only stack ID and an untilted only stack ID. It then reads those stacks and create two new stacks where all the particles match. --tiltstackid=# --notstackid=# --projectid=# --expid=# --description="two new stacks" --commit

Fill in the numbers above and it should work.

