"No error code has been set by the system."
Added by Wei Ding over 11 years ago
Dear all,
I updated the appion from 2.1 to 2.2 last weekend.
When it finished, I intended to run a job for a test, but an error message outputted!(see below)
In the command line, there is a space between command directory and the python script.
e.g. (/leginon/appion/bin/ runJob.py)
Can everyone help me to solve this problem?
Thank you for your time!
Appion Directory /public/appion/xiaojun/13apr17a/ctf/ctffindrun2
Job File Name ctffindrun2.appionsub.job
Hostname emcluster
Username xiaojun
Local server ip
Project Id
Command /leginon/appion/bin/ runJob.py /leginon/appion/bin/ ctfestimate.py --projectid=27 --preset=en --session=13apr17a --runname=ctffindrun2 --rundir=/public/appion/xiaojun/13apr17a/ctf/ctffindrun2 --no-rejects --no-wait --commit --continue --ampcarbon=0.15 --ampice=0.07 --fieldsize=256 --medium=ice --bin=2 --resmin=400.0 --resmax=8.0 --defstep=5000.0 --dast=100 --expId=193 --jobtype=ctfestimate --ppn=1 --nodes=1 --walltime=240 --jobid=16
Error: Job submission to emcluster failed.
No error code has been set by the system.