Does the Xmipp version need to be 2.4 or will 3.1 work just as well
Added by Patrick Goetz about 7 years ago
I'm in the process of downloading and compiling Xmipp. This page:
suggests that I need version 2.4. Is that a hard requirement, or will 3.1 work just as well?
Replies (4)
RE: Does the Xmipp version need to be 2.4 or will 3.1 work just as well - Added by Sargis Dallakyan about 7 years ago
Xmipp is not a hard requirement. You can install Xmipp 2.4 if you plan to run Xmipp jobs. None of the other Appion functionality will be lost if you don't have Xmipp 2.4 installed, AFAIK.
We have created a wrapper for Xmipp 3.1 CL2D in appion. We have both Xmipp 2.4 and 3.1 in our cluster. Xmipp 2.4 path is set in appion script. For Xmipp 3.1, we have xmipp/3.1 module. As far as I recall, they can't both be in the path at the same time. calls module load xmipp/3.1
before starting Xmipp 3.1 CL2D.
RE: Does the Xmipp version need to be 2.4 or will 3.1 work just as well - Added by Patrick Goetz about 7 years ago
Hi Anchi -
I believe you are saying "yes, we can use version 3.1 of Xmipp"? If so, I'd rather use the newer version, as I'm less likely to run into the shared library issues I had with findem64.exe. I understand that Xmipp is option from Appion's perspective, but the users have indicated that they need this for their research.
From the second part of your response I'm not clear on whether using Xmipp 3.1 will require any modifications to the default Appion install, but it sounds like the answer to this question is no as well?
Thank you.
RE: Does the Xmipp version need to be 2.4 or will 3.1 work just as well - Added by Anchi Cheng about 7 years ago
Sargis answered your question, not me.
Regarding the first question, Install what your users need. Do ask them if they use Appion's xmipp functions to determine if you need to add xmipp2.
Particle Alignment using xmipp in Appion was actively developped more than 4 years ago. Therefore, majority of the xmipp wrappers
in appion uses xmipp2.4 which you can still get through
I do not know if it will compile on your new Ubuntu.
The exception is CL2D which we had it using 3.1 due to a bug in 2.4.
Regarding the second question, Sargis did say that there is a module loading shell command in our python script appion/bin/ If you don't do anything and does not install xmipp 2.4, then the answer is No, you don't have to do anything. it will just print that it could not find the module and move on.
RE: Does the Xmipp version need to be 2.4 or will 3.1 work just as well - Added by Patrick Goetz about 7 years ago
Oops, sorry about that, Sargis! I saw the response on email and thought I saw Anchi's name and never bothered to look at the forum response header.
OK, will ask, and thanks to both of you.