


Putting all of Appion inside a miniconda virtual environment?

Added by Patrick Goetz about 6 years ago

This is a follow up to a comment Anchi made on another ticket. I'm doing a re-install of everything and am wondering if this time around I shouldn't just put the entire Appion collection in a miniconda env build for eman2? There doesn't seem to be any other way to use eman2; I never found the time to try and puzzle through the dependency tree and couldn't get this information from the author, either.

I guess the concern then is none of the tools would be accessible from the web interface? I'm not sure how much of an imposition this would be, as I'm not sure what, if any Appion things are access through the web interface directly.

Replies (2)

RE: Putting all of Appion inside a miniconda virtual environment? - Added by Anchi Cheng about 6 years ago

I am not sure if that will work. All appion scripts do specify to use /usr/bin/env python. If the miniconda python is not link to that, you will not get the right python library.

RE: Putting all of Appion inside a miniconda virtual environment? - Added by Patrick Goetz about 6 years ago

Alright, let me think about this some more. In this case, using a linux container for everything wouldn't work, because we had problems with database latency, so I'm interested in trying out a higher performant database.

The problem is the users tell me that they can't use Appion at all right now because eman2 isn't available. I'm not a domain expert, so can't speak to this. Will ask them again. I think we just cut & paste generated commands from the web interface, in which case I might be able to trick the virtualenv into providing the right paths or possibly put all of Appion in an LXC container based on an older version of linux.

The "works with no problems" linux to use is still CentOS 6?
