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Imageshift factor and stage scale
Added by Xing Meng over 10 years ago
Hi Angchi
Please see the attached
We found your default setting of stage-sclale works for low mag;
image shift factor works for 30K.
For 5K, we changed image shift factor to 5e-4 and stage factor to 1.8e3.
So we are stuck here.
Xing (30 KB) |
Replies (1)
RE: Imageshift factor and stage scale - Added by Anchi Cheng over 10 years ago
It seems that the original code only works for the specific minimal requirement for MSI. The standard movement in Leginon moves stage at the mag of "gr" and "sq" (both low mag) and moves by image shift at the mag of "hl" for the final exposure, what you said worked would almost be enough to run except (image shift factor for 5k (if that is your hl mag".
As for general solution, it looks like we will have to code different scaling for different lens series. Let me come up with a way to do this. All the scaling change inside that you need to modify and recompile is not ideal.