


Where is the leginon microscope PC software?

Added by Patrick Goetz over 7 years ago

I started installing software on one of our microscope PCs following the directions found here:

About halfway down the page we are instructed to

Install the packages you downloaded from NRAMM repository

However I can't find anywhere instructions for how/where to download this software. The git/svn instructions appear to be similarly incomplete.

Replies (5)

RE: Where is the leginon microscope PC software? - Added by Patrick Goetz over 7 years ago

Based on this instruction, it looks like you install exactly the same software on the Windows PCs that you did on the linux system? That might be worth a sentence of explanation, since then there's no reason to git clone on windows; just copy the files from the linux leginon PC?

RE: Where is the leginon microscope PC software? - Added by Anchi Cheng over 7 years ago

git clone is just an easy way of getting every file needed without giving too specific about it. It is also easier to track local changes since python files are too easy to modify.

Strictly speaking, having the files on microscope/camea PC is not the installation. Not every subpackages are used. See the table here

I added copying to the instruction as the third option if no internet is not available on the instrument PC. Of course you would have to copy the supporting packages from another Windows computer, too,

RE: Where is the leginon microscope PC software? - Added by Patrick Goetz over 7 years ago

So, my one remaining confusion about this involves where to place the leginon software. We have a Talos camera. This page:

indicates that the 32-bit version of python / python libraries need to be installed. I didn't find an existing 64-bit python pre-installed, but used the recommended C:\Python27-win32 path anyway.

This page:

Install the package in each folder with commands such as

cd path_to\myami-VERSION\myami\leginon
c:\\python27\python.exe install

But there's no indication of what path-to should be. Does this mean it doesn't matter where you place the myami repo? I.e., I can just put it in C:\myami-beta and proceed with running

c:\\python27-win32\python.exe install

in each of the folder mentioned in this table ?

RE: Where is the leginon microscope PC software? - Added by Anchi Cheng over 7 years ago

If your new Talos does not have C:\\Python27 that is using the 64-bit architecture, it should not matter what you name your python installation as.

By calling python.exe specifically, python has default location where will install into. Therefore, you don't need path-to
