


K2 saved frames in square dimension

Added by Zhiheng Yu almost 11 years ago

Hi Anchi,

When we have "save frames" checked in Leginon on our Krios-K2 system, the frames saved are of dimension of 3710 *3710 (bin 1) instead of the intended full camera dimension of 3710*3838. Not surprisingly, the returned integration in Leginon is of this dimension too. But when we have "save frames" unchecked the single full camera exposure is of 3710*3838 (bin 1). Is there some setting that we need to adjust or is this a common thing?



Replies (1)

RE: K2 saved frames in square dimension - Added by Anchi Cheng almost 11 years ago

See issue #2670. We just found that out last week as well.

