Image area display
Added by Thomas Klose about 10 years ago
Dear all,
I recently added two new users to our Leginon installation and both reported that they are unable to see the target area when setting an exposure target in any node. The cross that determines the center is still visible, but the box indicating what will be imaged in the next step does not show up. I tested the setup with some of the older users, using different logins on the linux workstation we use to run leginon and all but the two newest users are able to display the target area. Has this something to do with the magnification calibration not being transferred to the settings of the new users and is there a way to restore the box showing the image area?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Replies (1)
RE: Image area display - Added by Anchi Cheng about 10 years ago
Hi, Thomas,
This is not a easy mystery to solve. I may need a dump of the database to see the whole history that let to this. The code does not have any user specificity.
Please follow the instruction in Mysqldump_of_your_database and send me through e-mail the database. If you can't do so, get help from your system admin who set Leginon up.