


Suggestion - Min Std. dev ice thickness option in Exposure targeting

Added by Andrey Malyutin almost 8 years ago

Would it be possible to implement an option for minimum Ice thickness std. dev for Acquisition target in Exposure targeting (just like we have the max option)? I set up hole targets to be every two holes and then collect about 7 exposures per hole target. Sometimes I have random ice free holes, which are hard to get around with wide min and max threshold values I have set up for over night collections. However, the Ice thickness std. dev values are very distinct and well separated for filled and ice free holes; with ice free holes having lower value. I think this option would be a useful addition to help set up exposure targeting and avoid the empty holes.

Thank you,


Replies (4)

RE: Suggestion - Min Std. dev ice thickness option in Exposure targeting - Added by Anchi Cheng almost 8 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion. I will do that.

RE: Suggestion - Min Std. dev ice thickness option in Exposure targeting - Added by Andrey Malyutin over 7 years ago

Good morning Anchi,

Were you able to add this option into recent Leginon releases?

Thank you,


RE: Suggestion - Min Std. dev ice thickness option in Exposure targeting - Added by Anchi Cheng over 7 years ago

O.K., You've got me. It will be in myami-beta tomorrow.
