


Gatan Rio camera

Added by Arne Moeller over 6 years ago

Hey Leginon team,

we recently upgraded our spirit with a Gatan Rio Camera. As this also came with a windows10 computer and a new version of DM (3.3) we are currently upgrading the installation and trying to remove all the obstacles. Has such a system been successfully installed before?
Currently, we are working on a "no interfaces could be initialised" error on the camera PC -
I was unable to find what type of class I have set for this specific camera - is this related?
Additionally, we are unable to install pywin32 on our windows 10 PC.

Any suggestions would be very welcome,
many thanks


Replies (3)

RE: Gatan Rio camera - Added by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago

Windows 10 ! That is a first. It is also the first RIO I encounter.

You should not need pywin32. It is currently only used for Tietz camera.

We just use David Mastronarde's SEMCCD.dll to communicate with Gatan camera now a day. Therefore, it is simple to add another camera.

Since you have GMS 3.3, you should start by downloading the current SEMCCD.dll that says also GMS3.xx from SerialEM site. Follow the instruction for K2 installation to put it at the right place.

In pyscope/ finds the class for Orius, then you can copy that to be used with RIo.

Rio can save frames, too. So if you want to use that, you can try using GatanK2Linear class as an example.

If you run into trouble let me know. I will be happy to modify pyscope to have it properly implemented.

RE: Gatan Rio camera - Added by Arne Moeller over 6 years ago

Thanks for these suggestions,

We modified the dmsem.cfg files accordingly - and also the instruments.cfg and were then able to overcome the reported issue.
But we are still unable to obtain an image when we run from pyscope import dmsem
d = dmsem.GatanOrius() (or Rio for respectively)
but do get an error : ‘GatanRio’ object has not attribute ‘cameraid’

We then modified the pyscope/ adding the Rio camera as another class - and recompiled but the error is still the same unfortunately…

Currently cameraID is 0

Any idea?

Many thanks,

RE: Gatan Rio camera - Added by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago

Let's say you use orius class, then your dmsem.cfg should have


Note that there is already a definition in dmsem.cfg.template at the very bottom. Make sure you do a replace.

If you make a new class, make sure to include all the definitions that you found in Orius class. For example

class GatanRio(DMSEM):
  name = 'GatanOrius'
    cameraid = configs['rio']['camera_id']
  binning_limits = [1,2,4]
  binmethod = 'exact'

Since the configs key is now rio, you will need to put in dmsem.cfg the following

You can test if the config is read correctly with this python script:

from pyami import moduleconfig
c = moduleconfig.getConfigured('dmsem.cfg')
print c['rio']

It should output a dictionary of
