


Question about frames and leginon folders

Added by Patrick Goetz over 4 years ago

Hi -

When I look at our data collection areas, I see 2 folders: frames and leginon:

root@kraken:/EM/mclellanlab# ls
frames    leginon

Each of these contains image set folders:

root@kraken:/EM/mclellanlab# ls frames
18dec03a  18nov05a  19feb05a  19jul01a    19jun10a  19oct02a  19sep23b  20jun18b
18dec05a  18nov08a  19feb06a  19jul30a    19jun17a  19oct03a  20feb17a  20jun19a
18dec10b  18nov15a  19jan11a  19jun03a    19mar21a  19oct09a  20jan30a  20mar02a
18dec14a  19apr15a  19jan15a  19jun04a    19mar26a  19oct21a  20jun15a  20mar05a
18dec17a  19dec15a  19jan23a  19jun05a    19may10a  19oct23a  20jun16b  20mar13a
18dec20a  19feb04a  19jan25a  19jun07a    19may13a  19oct25a  20jun18a  20may23-NCI
root@kraken:/EM/mclellanlab# ls leginon
18dec03a  18oct19a     19feb05a    19jul30a       19jun07a  19oct02a  20jan30a      20mar05a
18dec05a  18oct19b     19feb06a    19jul30_ref_a  19jun08b  19oct03a  20jun15a      20mar13a
18dec10b  18oct19_ref_a  19feb25b    19jun03a       19jun10a  19oct09a  20jun15_ref_a
18dec14a  19apr15a     19jan11a    19jun03b       19jun17a  19oct21a  20jun16b
18dec17a  19apr15_ref_a  19jan15a    19jun03c       19mar20a  19oct23a  20jun18a
18dec20a  19dec15a     19jan23a    19jun03d       19mar25a  19oct25a  20jun18b
18nov05a  19dec15b     19jan23_ref_a    19jun03e       19mar26a  19sep23a  20jun19a
18nov08a  19dec15_ref_a  19jan25a    19jun04a       19may10a  19sep23b  20mar02a
18nov15a  19feb04a     19jul01a    19jun05a       19may13a  20feb17a  20mar04a

and each of these image set folders contains a rawdata folder containing .mrc image files.

root@kraken:/EM/mclellanlab# ls frames/20jan30a/
root@kraken:/EM/mclellanlab# ls leginon/20jan30a/
rawdata  remote

Since we work out of the frames folder, and never do anything with the contents of the leginon folder, I'm wondering what is the purpose of the leginon folder?

Replies (3)

RE: Question about frames and leginon folders - Added by Anchi Cheng over 4 years ago

During the data collection, leginon folder images are the ones used for target finding, image processing in the program, not the frames. They are also used to display the images in the web viewer during and after the sessions. If appion is used to do motion correction and ctf estimation. Those ctf estimation input of the aligned images also came from there.

RE: Question about frames and leginon folders - Added by Patrick Goetz over 4 years ago

Thanks. We've been running out of space and are looking to get rid of image sets that aren't needed any more and didn't make their way into a paper (those are archived). So it looks like if I delete an image set from the frames folder I then also need to delete it from the leginon folder.

RE: Question about frames and leginon folders - Added by Anchi Cheng over 4 years ago

Yes, you can do that. If appion process are done, you can also delete them. If you have been running imcache, there will be jpg images that people can view. If you have not used imcahe, it is hard to backfill them, though, because it wants to do all of them.
