


variable exposure time per frame

Added by Liang Tang about 4 years ago

Dear Anchi,

Does Leginon support variable exposure time for different frames in a movie? For example, shorter exposure time can be used at the beginning of a movie, followed by longer ones.


Replies (2)

RE: variable exposure time per frame - Added by Anchi Cheng about 4 years ago

Sorry to be a bit delayed. It depends on which camera you have. Not all camera gives me access to variable frame time. Each camera also have restriction on what I can change.

Here is how it stands currently

1. Falcon 2,3,4 These can be set at lower level. I can control delay at the start, and number of rolling-shutter frames for each output frame.
I have simplified it in the gui since Falcon 3 and 4 so that it is mostly even because no user used the total control. Let me know if you want me to revive the gui.

2. DE20allows change of offset, but not variable frame time.

3. K2/K3 only constant frame time and fixed offset.

RE: variable exposure time per frame - Added by Liang Tang about 4 years ago

Thank you very much.
