Leginon application confusion
Added by Christopher Lilienthal about 4 years ago
In our Leginon installation we have some applications that contain a version number in parenthesis (example 'MSI-T2 (3.1)' and 'Calibrations2 (3.3)') and others that do not (example 'MSI-T2' and 'Calibrations2'). We are using the beta branch of myami and are wondering what applications are the latest and why some have version numbers in parentheses and others do not. Would you be able to offer any insights or words of wisdom when dealing with these applications?
Replies (3)
RE: Leginon application confusion - Added by Anchi Cheng about 4 years ago
I used to include version number as we move versions along. The version represents the minimal version required to run that particular application. What happens is that we found litters of applications that we no longer use confusing everyone.
Therefore, I stop worrying about keeping the old ones visible to the user by not including leginon version in the name. The algorithm will then use the latest modified application of the same name to load.
With beta, you should use the ones without version number. There is a tool in your myamiweb administration tab (addapp.php) to hide individual application (Need Alter table privilege of your database). You can also directly query leginondb for ApplicationData that has not being launched (LaunchedApplicationData) for a while and set them to hidden.
RE: Leginon application confusion - Added by Christopher Lilienthal about 4 years ago
At our facility we will have two scopes with GIFs and three without GIFs. Since the MSI-T2 application includes the Align ZLP node what should we modify if we want one MSI-T2 application for the microscopes with a GIF and one MSI-T2 application for microscopes without a GIF?
RE: Leginon application confusion - Added by Anchi Cheng about 4 years ago
Our approach is to make a copy of MSI-T2, call the copy a good name, say MSI-T2GIF. Then you can rename the Align ZLP node name in one of them, to give it a different behavior. Leginon node settings are specified by the node class and its alias (The node name appear in the application).
See Use_the_Application_Editor_to_create_Leginon_applications on how to edit applications.