


Target queuing

Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Dear all, I have a pratical question regarding the target queuing system: What is the best strategy to restart leginon after a crash? So far, I restarted the client/server, returned to the current session, reloaded the atlas and quickly checked/aligned the presets to ef. After submitting the target list again as described in the trouble shooting section, leginon finishes the tragets from the current square, however, instead of moving to the next square, it continues again with hole targeting on the current mesh and thus shoots all holes twice. Is there better strategy to restart, control or modify the target list?
All the best.


Replies (1)

Re: Target queuing - Added by Anchi Cheng over 15 years ago

Hi, Thorsten,

I tried it out and it is still the case in the current Leginon. We will have to fix that bug. It used to
work until we added some feature. Now that Leginon almost never crashes at NRAMM during data
collection, it has not been noticed until you point it out.

Unfortunately, there is no way around it except to fix the bug.

