



Added by Jim Pulokas almost 17 years ago

pyScope is a python package for communicating with various TEMs and CCD cameras. The goal is to provide a common interface to an instrument regardless of what brand and model it is. For instance, to get the magnification of the scope, you can call the python function "getMagnification".

Supported TEM instruments:

- FEI Tecnai - most tested and commonly used

- FEI CM - recently added, not well tested

- JEOL - developed at LBNL

Supported CCD cameras:

- Gatan (several models)

- TVIPS (several models)

- FEI Eagle (through TIA)

SVN repository:

Currently, the trunk is available for checkout anonymously. Please let us know if you want a login for commit access.

This is how to check out the main trunk:

svn co pyScope-trunk
The last argument (pyScope-trunk) can be whatever you want to call your local copy.

Replies (2)

Re: Introduction - Added by Anonymous almost 17 years ago

Although I downloaded the pyScope-trunk files,

I cannot install them on my PC (Using c:\python25\python install) because python complains that I am lacking Visual Studio 7.1 (which I gather is the 2003 version of MS compilers). I see 2005 available for free from, but not sure how to get 2003 version, or whether the 2005 version will suffice. What components do I actually need (VisualBasic, VisualC#, VisualC++ . . .).


- Added by Jim Pulokas almost 17 years ago

There is a component of pyScope called NumSafeArray which needs to be compiled from C code. This module is actually not necessary for the Tietz camera, but it is needed for Gatan or TIA. Unfortunately, compiling python extensions on Windows is difficult, so I recommend not trying it. Here is a hack so you don't have to compile it:

-Install the official pyScope 1.0.8 release which is a pre-compiled windows installer. This is included in the Leginon release ( Doing this will install the pre-compiled NumSafeArray module

-Update your pyScope from SVN. I just added a new module:

-Install the updated SVN version on top of the 1.0.8 version using the new module instead of the usual

python install
(where "python" may have to be "c:\python25\python.exe" or something like that).

This is a temporary solution. Ideally, we will release NumSafeArray as a separate package with a pre-compiled module. Then pyScope never needs to compile anything.
