Bug #12172
closedcan not change back BufferHostData buffer bass path if used buffer_host_setup.py to change it to something else.
This is a bug due to insertion is not forced, but best to clean up so new row does not get added on the same camera-buffer host.
Updated by Dennis S almost 3 years ago
Would it be possible to allow the buffer_host_setup.py to be ran in an non-interactive mode (by specifying values as arguments)? This way I could automate it to minimize such errors. Thank you.
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 3 years ago
Usage: buffer_host_setup.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Buffer hostname to setup, e.g. --buffer_host=buffer01
--base_path=PATH root path where frames are put on the buffer host. For
example, instead of
primary_storage_host:/data/frames/sessionname, you
want to put it under
buffer_host:/bufferdata/frames/sessionname, you should
enter /bufferdata.
Camera hostname to setup, e.g.
--change_status Change status of the existing record