Bug #14358
openchanges needed to make redux work under python3
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Affected Version:
Appion/Leginon 4.0
Show in known bugs:
- changed files from python3 branch attached
- Redhat 8/python 3.6
- all put in python3 directory
- Note: imcached runs but does not appear to do anything. "Queue" library was renamed to "queue"
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to William Rice
pushed all changes plus some debug of these to myami-python3 branch to their subpackage and file locations. Will need to remove these redundant files when we merge myami-rice to myami-trunk.
pyami files are not pushed to myami-python3 because some of the integer math is incorrect.
Please see if you can find "future" in your pip repository on Redhat 8/python3.6. That is where "past" package is from. This repository is still available at python 3.9.
Updated by William Rice almost 2 years ago
Went over and verified float/integer division changes with Anchi. Cleaned up to remove original commented-out code.
My server does not have access to pip for downloading and installing new packages. I am limited to official RH8 packages