



Feature #2232


Take image of tilted grid when checking targets for RCT data collection

Added by Jeff Speir about 12 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Leginon GUI
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As part of RCT data collection, after we center the square and select targets, we then need to tilt the stage to the desired angle and re-check that all the targets we picked are not blocked by grid bars. As of today, we have to physically go to the scope, manually tilt the stage and use the view screen to check for the blocked targets. When using the control room with visitors and collaborators, this becomes an onerous task due to the amount of doors to go through and distance needed to walk to the scope and back. This is even worse when you forget which targets you needed to change by the time you get back to the control room (ack!).

Is there a way to just tilt the stage and take an image at this point in Leginon, so that we don't have to go to the scope?

Minimally I would like to have a way to tilt the stage and just take an image at the same preset as target selection.

Even better would be the above with the ability to put the untilted and tilted images side by side for easy comparison.

As long as I'm dreaming, the holy grail would be to have Leginon do this automatically as part of the target selection process, and then put the tilted and untilted target selection images side-by-side for easy comparison. Oh yes!

Thanks! -- Jeff

Actions #1

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Code Review
  • Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Jim Pulokas

r17386 is a start on this. A tool with the icon "alpha" will tilt stage to the first tilt in the tilt series and then use the current preset to take an image. If the tool is clicked again, it will tilt to the second tilt and do the same, and so on.

If targets are received by RCT node, it will reset the counter that causes this cycling so that you can start over on the next selected square.

The danger of this is that you may forget what tilt you were at before the test. so r17387 tilts the stage back after acquiring the image.

Side-by-SIde comparison is a bit harder because this means I need more space on the screen to draw both images and so far Leginon gui fits on 13" screen.

Jeff, after you test, assign it back to me if you want the dream feature : )

Actions #2

Updated by Jeff Speir almost 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Jim Pulokas to Anchi Cheng

It works! It's very useful - Arne and I used it this morning. Perfect that it does the full tilt, takes a quick picture, then goes back to 0.

Arne thought of an enhancement to the dream feature: based on where the grid bars end up in the tilted image, would it be possible to have a mask applied to the untilted image to represent where the the grid bars would appear? This would make it fantastic - would know exactly which holes/targets we could pick then.

Thanks for putting the button in!

Actions #3

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago

r17721 changes the image acquired by tilt testing tool to also test the rct feature matching parameters. I observed last week that parameters good for untilted image may not be as good for tilted one. This way, user can see it and send us screenshots of both if having trouble with it.

Actions #4

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from In Code Review to Closed

no one to code review. Has been used for months.

Actions #5

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 11 years ago

  • Target version set to myami-3.0

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