Bug #2290
closedbeam tilt does not return to original when tilt correction fails because lack of calibration
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Appion/Leginon 2.1.0
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Happened to Natalia. Exception was raised in this case in the terminal as:
nextimage = self.acquireImage(nextscope, settle, correct_tilt=correct_tilt, corchannel=corchannel) File "/Users/acheng/myami/leginon/", line 120, in acquireImage self.correctTilt(imagedata) File "/Users/acheng/myami/leginon/", line 106, in correctTilt self.tiltcorrector.correct_tilt(imagedata) File "/Users/acheng/myami/leginon/", line 160, in correct_tilt stagematrix = self.getStageMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag) File "/Users/acheng/myami/leginon/", line 85, in getStageMatrix return self.getMatrix(tem, cam, ht, mag, 'stage position') File "/Users/acheng/myami/leginon/", line 82, in getMatrix raise RuntimeError(excstr) RuntimeError: No stage position matrix for {name: SimTEM, hostname: anchi2.local, cs: 0.0022, pixelmax: None}, {name: SimCCDCamera, hostname: anchi2.local, cs: None, pixelmax: None}, 120000eV, 50x
After she exited Leginon and restart and use other means to adjust focus, the experiment was continued but the beam tilt was stuck at x+0.01 because the beam tilt was not returned after tilt correct failure.
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Code Review
- Assignee set to Jim Pulokas
- Priority changed from Normal to High
r17452 catch any RuntimeError from tiltcorrector.TiltCorrector, log it and then pass. This allows acquireImage to resume its function and beam tilt return to original in measureDefocusStig. I don't think imagedata is altered in this case. Will need testing on real scope.
Please assign back to me to test, it only fails if all other calibrations needed by autoFocus exist.
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 7 years ago
- Related to Bug #2659: Beam stays tilted when low level error occurs in BeamTiltCalibrationClient added
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Code Review to Closed
- Target version set to myami-3.0