



Feature #2526


Use navigator iterative move in target adjustment if it was used in acquiring the parent image

Added by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

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This has prevent this very popular move method to be used when image shift is used in the acquisition node that requested the target adjustment under queuing situation.

This will also make bad goniometer problem less obvious since people can get to the position this way even when target adjustment is made such as the case of Issue #2524


myami_17939.png (88.8 KB) myami_17939.png Jian Shi, 10/14/2013 10:40 PM
parent_move.png (182 KB) parent_move.png Jian Shi, 10/14/2013 11:28 PM

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Leginon - Support #2524: exposure targeting suffers bad compustage ClosedAnchi Cheng09/19/2013

Related to Leginon - Feature #2548: hide and validate application to be runClosedAnchi Cheng10/07/2013

Actions #1

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Priority changed from Normal to Urgent

Here is my idea since I can't work on it yet. Create a table for iterative move settings and reference it from AcquisitionImageData or EMTargetData. This way target transformer can use it in reacquire function.

Actions #2

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago

r17925 does this. This was briefly tested a week ago. All MSI applications need new bindings

TransformManager (node alias Target Adjustment) -- MoveToTargetEvent -> Navigator (alias Navigation)
Navigator (alias Navigation) -- MoveToTargetDoneEvent -> TransformManager (alis Target Adjustment)

r17927 add the bindings to application xml files with updated names

Actions #3

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago

As is, it does not move by navigation if the parent is simulated.

Actions #4

Updated by Jian Shi over 11 years ago

I am running version 17931 with latest application 3.0 today. I use tomography application, but notice the preview behave odd that might relate to this new feature.

When I submit preview target, it will go through all parent images in navigator even though the preview node setting only ask for ONE parent image. It creates problem since I have inserted objective aperture at this step, and low-mag image are always get blocked.
In addition, I notice the eccentric-height will fall back to the value where the atlas was taken, and not updated to local eccentric-height of squares later, thus the focus are wrong in preview images.

I haven't try other applications, but all might have same problems.


Actions #5

Updated by Jian Shi over 11 years ago


I tried MSI_Raster quickly and see two more abnormal behaviour might related to this new application change.
1) The Z-focus sequence was actually was executed twice, it seems to me that first one just use transform without navigator, the second one use navigator to center the Z-focus target.
2) Same as preview, the z-encentric-height will be reset to the earliest one with gr during any target transform but not updated to local z-height determined in sq or hl images.

Too bad, I also can't use older application for comparing now.


Actions #6

Updated by Jian Shi over 11 years ago


I installed latest 17939 version but got error while creating a new session. See attached screencopy. Thus client was not connected.
Instead, I can return to old session before upgrade without issue to connect client.


Actions #7

Updated by Jian Shi over 11 years ago

I had errors when I check "use ancestor image mover...". Thus I had to choose no ancestor image. Choosing one/all also generate same errors, even I didn't check the box below.

Also, the most severe issue is that the Z-height simply fall back to oldest value starting on atlas, but not updated to local Z-height of gr or hl images. It occurs regardless the setting in the target adjustment.

Actions #8

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago

fixed the two bugs

r17940 (related to #2551) found in creating new session now that hidden may be true in the database.
r17941 adds the missed commit of

I've been working on the z reverting problem today but still can't get it to work right. Will have to continue tomorrow. This is caused by the same problem as in issue #2540 It is a bit complicated.

Actions #9

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to In Test
  • Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Jian Shi

r17951 should fix this. I left a lot of print to terminal for now. If there is still problem in this area, please send me these printing which can help with debugging.

Actions #10

Updated by Jian Shi over 11 years ago

I tested v17954 with MSI_RCT 3.0. Here list of what I observed.

1) If the 'parent mover' unchecked in setting, all acquisition nodes will use either navigator or preset manager to move to target. All focus nodes however simply use the target transform, ignoring the navigator.

2) If the 'parent mover' checked in setting and the set to 'one' parent image, the Exposure node will use hl as parent image to navigate the target, but focus node will use gr as parent image to navigate the target for once. If it is set to take final fc image, then focus node will use hl as parent image to center the target.

3) The focus node recall the latest Z-value out of Z-focus node correctly. However, if there are addition Z adjustments in focus node, exposure node seems not able to update to new local Z-value.

Since my testing grid is quite flat, I need more test to confirm this.

Actions #11

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from In Test to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from Jian Shi to Anchi Cheng

The case for RCT is particularly complicated. I will need scope testing time to get this right. It has been really hard to get scope time at the moment, though.

(1) and (2) The part about navigator move not used in focus node is an old bug. No one I know has used the mover nor all ancestor target adjustment in focuser node because it does not require great accuracy.

(3) This is unlikely as the binding for Focus to Exposure is the same as for Z Focus to Hole or "Centered Square". I don't see problem in simulation but again, scope time would be needed to be sure.

Actions #12

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Jian Shi

r17963 changes the move in focus sequence also with moveAndPreset.


RCT does not use TargetAdjustment node to adjust target. It has its internal algorithm. Therefore it will always do equivalent of one ancester and presetmanger mover regardless of your settings.

Actions #13

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

Feature is complete but Jian does not need it any more since their compustage was fixed. No one to test it beside me.

Actions #14

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 11 years ago

  • Target version set to myami-3.0

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