



Feature #3750


Gatan K2 Summit early return

Added by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Start date:
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Early Return allows the "getImage" function to return before all frames are saved to the disk by SerialEMCCD plugin.

It saves some time but has some side effect:

1. The returned integrated image may not have a lot of signal.
2. User can not see if there is bad drift or not.
3. There is some memory leak issue in super-resolution mode that needs resolving. The frame movie saved end up incomplete and K2 computer eventually run out of memory and crash.


earlyreturn.log.txt (109 KB) earlyreturn.log.txt Anchi Cheng, 08/25/2016 04:49 PM (1.42 KB) Anchi Cheng, 08/25/2016 04:49 PM (14.5 KB) Anchi Cheng, 08/25/2016 04:55 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Leginon - Bug #3943: Gatan K2 Summit early return with DM 2.2 returns zero dimension arrayClosedAnchi Cheng02/11/2016

Actions #1

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 9 years ago

A few numbers:

Saving 100 frames, 50 ms per frame super resolution movie with number of early return frames=1 using test script pyscope/
Saving on X: 94 sec
Saving on D: 110 sec

Actions #2

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 9 years ago

  • Related to Bug #3943: Gatan K2 Summit early return with DM 2.2 returns zero dimension array added
Actions #3

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago

Scope: FEI F20
Camera K2 Summit: GMS 3.11.1048.0
8000 ms fame-saved super-resolution stack (40 frames), followed by 2 1 s non-frame-saved counted image

logger on
____grab 40____sum 1________________
numGrabSum 2621441
       frame saved return [' 12.683', ' 17.285', ' 12.168']
frame 1st not save return ['  8.065', '  3.354', '  7.909']
frame 2nd not save return ['  3.120', '  3.042', '  3.042']

logger on
____grab 40____sum 0________________
numGrabSum 2621440
       frame saved return [' 11.450', ' 11.560', ' 11.606']
frame 1st not save return ['  8.112', '  8.284', '  8.253']
frame 2nd not save return ['  3.011', '  3.057', '  3.011']
logger on
____grab 1____sum 1________________
numGrabSum 65537
       frame saved return [' 12.184', ' 12.215', ' 17.050']
frame 1st not save return [' 15.896', ' 15.771', ' 11.981']
frame 2nd not save return ['  2.996', '  7.910', '  7.988']
logger on
____grab 0____sum 1________________
numGrabSum 1
       frame saved return [' 12.106', ' 12.090', ' 12.230']
frame 1st not save return [' 18.268', ' 16.395', ' 16.146']
frame 2nd not save return ['  2.870', '  2.996', '  2.902']
Actions #4

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago

No log

logger off
____grab 40____sum 1________________
numGrabSum 2621441
       frame saved return [' 14.960', ' 12.028', ' 12.043']
frame 1st not save return ['  7.192', '  7.160', '  7.145']
frame 2nd not save return ['  2.792', '  2.777', '  2.902']

logger off
____grab 40____sum 0________________
numGrabSum 2621440
       frame saved return [' 11.403', ' 11.825', ' 16.520']
frame 1st not save return [' 12.496', ' 12.527', '  3.276']
frame 2nd not save return ['  2.808', '  7.769', '  3.027']
logger off
____grab 1____sum 1________________
numGrabSum 65537
       frame saved return [' 12.277', ' 17.316', ' 12.449']
frame 1st not save return [' 16.942', ' 11.887', ' 18.408']
frame 2nd not save return ['  8.003', '  3.026', '  3.011']
logger off
____grab 0____sum 1________________
numGrabSum 1
       frame saved return [' 12.277', ' 17.004', ' 17.020']
frame 1st not save return [' 17.737', ' 11.123', ' 10.498']
frame 2nd not save return ['  2.902', '  2.792', '  2.793']

Actions #6

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago

Actions #7

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

It seems to work now. Used regularly if super-resolution is used.


Also available in: Atom PDF