Feature #4036
opencalculating ice thickness reference from a targeted area for auto hole finding gui
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e-mail from Thomas Marlovits
I was wondering, whether it is possible to find the right ice settings by doing a back-calculation that will provide the right setting numbers. In other and practical words … if I have the exposure target open, I'd like to select a small area (where the target should go) and the statistics of this area is back-calculated into the settings number. Also, if there would be sliders for the individual numbers that would then highlight the possible selected areas (similar to the filter option in MSI-T/ test for blobs etc) … this would help too, as this provided an info about the possible areas that could be selected.
Updated by Anchi Cheng about 9 years ago
- Subject changed from calculating ice thickness reference from a targeted area to calculating ice thickness reference from a targeted area for auto hole finding gui