



Support #4656


Jeol magnifications

Added by Arne Moeller about 8 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

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Affected Version:
Appion/Leginon 3.2


Dear Anchi,

I need some help with my Jeol installation:

I can pull presets from the Jeol and save them - however not image shift and defocus (I see intensity and energy filter width)
I cannot send any preset to the Jeol

on the Leginon client (scope) I see that no magnifications are saved for the Jeol - but the calculator is greyed out

Yesterday I did my own jeol.cfg - but even if I load your template for testing I have the same problem

I am not getting any error message on the leginon main terminal but in the display it says
Get value failed: focus function not implemented in mag 25000

So I think the problem would be resolved if I could get the mags...
What did I overlook?

many thanks for your advice


Actions #1

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

Hi, Arne,

Could you attach your jeol.cfg so that I know your mag range and lens series ? We should do a few tests from where you connect to jeolcom with direct python script. I will prepare one.

Actions #2

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago


From the jeol.cfg you sent, I found a few parsing errors and it also missing for each lens series since you are using PLA


Your will need to find out which mag you did the calibration on.

Could you try some test with the config from where you use JEOL external access within python IDLE
so that exception can be shown ?

form pyscope import jeolcom

# Initialize the class
j = jeolcom.Jeol()

# This should set sequentially all magnifications

# This should git back image shift

If these are successful, try run Leginon directly there, no client. The magnification finding step has always been done at the scope computer. Maybe it can not work well from client.

Actions #3

Updated by Arne Moeller about 8 years ago

Dear Anchi,
thanks for the answer -
I have copied the modified Jeol.cfg into pyscope and performed the test you suggested.
When I run findMagnifcations the scope cycles through all available mags and also the imageShift runs without error.

As suggested I then ran directly on the Jeol Computer - without selecting the camera.
Logically I could not create a preset (camera missing) but still the get magnifications button is greyed out unfortunately.

Is there maybe a writing permission problem?

your help is much appreciated


Actions #4

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

Don't worry about creating preset, yet.

read write at this point of the program is only to database. If you can create session, return to session, there should not be I/O to database issue.

Does "Jeol" show up in Instrument ? Could you show me a screenshot ? Maybe I will spot something. Did you get the same error in the terminal ?

Actions #5

Updated by Arne Moeller about 8 years ago

Dear Anchi,

I can create and return to the session
I can load and get connection to scope and camera PC (on neither side (client and main) no errors)
I do not get any printed error the only thing I get (after pulling or sending a defocus (for example)) is a red cross in Leginon viewer (presets manager) that states: Get value failed focus function not implemented

I get no errors in the terminal window
there it is:
parsing jeol.cfg

(I do not get parsing dmsem.cfg)

does that help?

Actions #6

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

I did not make the code to write parsing dmsem.cfg

Could you try in the script what I gave you earlier and add


If still not work, we should do Skype

Actions #7

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

Make sure that you do


first before getFocus. It needs to know what magnifications are in which mode to pull the right value.

Actions #8

Updated by Arne Moeller about 8 years ago

This is working very well - I do get the focus

Actions #9

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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