



Feature #5656


Include serial number in file name?

Added by Oliver Clarke over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

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Hi Anchi,

Leginon names for micrographs are informative, but kind of unwieldy for later scripting (and sometimes break certain programs - e.g. anything fortran based like alignparts from John Rubinstein's lab).

To get around this I normally rename all the movies to mic_00001, mic_00002, etc, but I don't have an easy way of ensuring that I am maintaining the order of the micrographs (which doesn't matter most of the time, but seems like it can be important for phase-plate data)

Would there be any possibility of adding in a simple counter to the name, to indicate that an image is the nth image taken at (for example) the enn preset?


Actions #1

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago

  • Assignee set to Oliver Hofnagel

Do you require the number to be sequential without a break ? If so, this will need to be dynamically generated. Many users remove images to hidden or create exemplar. Either one will create a break in the sequence.

I can provide a lookup table easily so that you may link the images to its ScopeEMData ID which is how you see them ordered in the webviewer. A general id for each image exists but does not correspond to the order of data collection if generated through parallel processing such as any aligned image.

I don't suppose serial number at the end of the file name will help you in any way if the program is looking for a wild card. I hesitate to do that also because the aligned images and any other modified images already append its modification marker at the end of the file.

Actions #2

Updated by Oliver Clarke over 6 years ago

Hi Anchi,

I don't really mind about modified images - I mostly tend to reprocess from movies outside of appion. I'd just like an easy way to maintain time-order when I rename the compressed stacks, but it sounds complicated and I'm sure there are more important things to do! Doesn't really matter if it's sequential without a break - just something that is a counter that correlates with the time the image was collected would be great.


Anchi Cheng wrote:

Do you require the number to be sequential without a break ? If so, this will need to be dynamically generated. Many users remove images to hidden or create exemplar. Either one will create a break in the sequence.

I can provide a lookup table easily so that you may link the images to its ScopeEMData ID which is how you see them ordered in the webviewer. A general id for each image exists but does not correspond to the order of data collection if generated through parallel processing such as any aligned image.

I don't suppose serial number at the end of the file name will help you in any way if the program is looking for a wild card. I hesitate to do that also because the aligned images and any other modified images already append its modification marker at the end of the file.


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