Feature #9424
closedFalcon4 support that saves mrc stack as movie frames
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support through TEM Advanced Scripting. For Titan software version before 3.6 a patch is required from TFS. The current patch can only save the frame movies in mrc format.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Falcon4 support to Falcon4 support that saves mrc stack as movie frames
- Description updated (diff)
This is tested and used.
Known issue:¶
This and previous Falcon implementation of frame saving allows non-equal number of rolling-shutter frames in the movie. This usually means that the last few frames may have one extra rolling-shutter frames. cryoSparc motion correction has trouble handling the uneven statistical property. You may want to play with exposure time and frame time to find what combination gives equal number. We are working with cryoSparc team to resolve this issue.