Feature #12257
Updated by William Rice over 2 years ago
h1. Added roundness measurement to blobs * Since we are trying to match a round template with round holes, the correlation shape should be round * might be useful to add a measurement of how round the blobs are * Leginon code had a "moment of inertia" measurement, but this was not really implemented and looks abandoned * one measure of how round the object is uses area and perimeter: <pre> roundness = 4 pi * area / perimeter**2 for a circle, area = pi r**2 perimeter = 2 pi r, so perimeter**2 = 4 pi**2 r**2 and so perimeter**2 = 4 pi * area </pre> * needed to modify the following files <pre> pyami/imagefun.py leginon/jahcfinder.py leginon/jahcfinderback.py leginon/jahcfindermodel.py leginon/targetfinder.py leginon/gui/wx/JAHCFinder.py leginon/leginondata.py </pre> * perfect circle: 1.0 * square: 0.785 * line: approaches pi/len for large length: (pi * l)/(l**2 + 2l +1) * need to see what is a good starting point is 0.8 * set to 0.3 or less to include virtually everything cutoff in practice * implemented since October on Leginon at NYU