


Acquiring summed frame image thru Leginon » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Anchi Cheng, 06/08/2012 03:53 PM) → Revision 3/5 (Anchi Cheng, 06/08/2012 03:55 PM)

h1. Acquiring summed frame image thru Leginon 

 h2. Camera Configuration 

 Refer to [[DE-12_introduction#Camera_Settings_for_DE-12|introduction]] on the options 
 # Select DE12 as the camera 
 # Uncheck "save raw frames" 
 # Leave "Frames to use" empty to sum up all frames 

 h2. acquire [[Bright and Dark reference images]] 

 ** Leginon does not research references by frame rate and sensor temperature.    If you change either of them, you will need to acquire new references. 
 ** Use valid exposure time (multiple of frame time length) 
 ** Use long positive readout delay time (>= 2 frame length) to ensure uniform intensity readout on the first recorded frame. 
 ** It does not matter whether you save raw frames or not in this process.    Leginon does not use them for corrections. 

 h2. Usage 

 # Select DE12 as the camera, configure and uncheck "save raw frames" in the camera configuration of the preset that you want to use and go for it.