


Additional work at the computer controlling the microscope and camera (Window) » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 04/14/2010 03:47 PM) → Revision 2/10 (Anchi Cheng, 05/21/2010 01:05 AM)

h1. Additional work at the computer controlling the microscope and camera (Window) 

 By switching to svn package check out, you now need to install svn on Windows to get the 
 updated packages. Because numextension and libCV requires extra compiler, we have created 
 window installer for them for python 2.5 and made them available through    "": 

 See [[Installation Troubleshooting]] <link linkend="InstT_install">Installation Troubleshooting</link> and    "Leginon Bulletin Board":    searching 
 for "install" if you run into problems. 

 h2. Packages required from NRAMM 

 Here are the packages you need to install with python installer 

 |_.SVN Package Name|_.Installed Python Package Name|_.Reason for update:| 
 |leginon|Leginon|new features| 
 |pyami|pyami|clean up| 
 |sinedon|sinedon|new stuff| 
 |pyScope|pyScope|new instrument configuration| 
 |ImageViewer|ImageViewer|updated and required for tomography| 

 Because numextension and libCV requires extra compiler, we have created window installer 
 for them for python 2.5 and made them available through    "": 

 |_.Downloadfile Name|_.Installed Python Package File|_.Reason for update:| 
 |NumExtension-1.2.0.win32-py2.5.exe|numextension.pyd|clean up| 
 |libCV-0.2.win32-py2.5.exe|libCV.pyd|bug fixes| 

 h2. Uninstall your existing packages: 

 Although new installation overwrite the old in most cases, problem has been observed in 
 the past. Therefore, it is best to remove the old files before new installation. 

 Use "Add or Remove Programs" application in "Control Panel" to do this. Leginon related 
 packages are shown with prefix "Python 2.5" 

 If you didn't use Installer to install previously, the packages may not show up in the 
 Programs list. Simply remove the folder containing the old packages in this case. 

 h2. Download and install SVN client program: 

 By switching to svn package check out, you now need to install svn client on Windows to 
 get the updated packages. We recommand TortoiseSVN    "": . 

 h2. Check out SVN Source Files from the depository 

 Use your mouse to do the following 
 *Create Leginon-1.6-ALL directory somewhere at your convenience 
 *Change directory into Leginon-1.6-ALL 
 *Right-click the mouse botton in this directory window and select Tortoise svn 
 Checkout in the menu:!! 
 *Set up svn checkout window like this for each of the leginon package!! 

 h2. Install the packages you downloaded from NRAMM svn depository 

 * Start a command line Window from Start Menu 

 * Reinstall the package in each folder with commands such as 
 <pre>cd Your_Download_Place\Leginon-1.6-ALL\leginon 
 c:\\python25\python.exe install</pre> 

 h2. Download the two Window Installer Files from Leginon website 


 h2. Install individual packages 

 Excute the installer files and follow the instruction. 

 h2. Transfer Drift adjustment preference to use Transform Manager 

 * This procedure copies all most recent user settings to that required by the new 
 manager.<pre>cd leginon 

 h2. Import the new (1.6) applications included with Leginon 

 Follow the instructions in Administrator Chapter on <link linkend="admin_app_import" 
 >Import applications</link>