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Anchi Cheng, 10/25/2013 10:42 PM

An example of working port-forwarding configuration

(Paraphrased from description by Brian J. Gibbens) and tested at NRAMM

Local network ( in this example) can not be accessed directly through
institute network that has internet access before port forwarding.

The computer hosts involved in this port-forwarding configuration listed by hostname and operation system in ( ):

  1. ScopePC (Windows) - The computer controlling the microscope
    • connected only to local network
    • Static local IP addresses ( in this example) is set to this host.
  2. SupportPC (Windows) - The computer provided by FEI to protect ScopePC while allow RAPID system support from them through internet.
    • Two network cards are on this computer.
    • Local network Static IP address ( in this example)
    • Outbound institute network Static IP address ( in this example)
  3. ProcessingLinux (Linux) - The computer that runs Leginon processing.
    • Institute network Static IP address ( in this example)
  4. DatabaseLInux (Linux) - The computer that runs Leginon database server. In a simpler setup this might be the same computer as the ProcessingLinux as illustrated in the figure below.
    • Institute network Static IP address ( in this example)

Ethernet cables should be connected like in the figure above.

TCP/IP Gateway Settings on ScopePC
This should be set to the local IP address of the SupportPC like this:

Firewall settings on SupportPC
  • allow communication to ScopePC and ProcessLinux and DatabaseLinux.

Hosts file addition if needed

--Appropriate IP addresses and hostnames added to the hosts files
(C:/WINDOWS/System32/drivers/etc/hosts.txt on Windows PC's and
/etc/hosts on Linux).

  • On ScopePC - list hostnames of SupportPC, DatabaseLinux and ProcessingLinux
  • On SupportPC - list both hostnames of ScopePC and DatabaseLinux and ProcessingLinux
  • On ProcessingLinux and DatabaseLinux - list hostname of SupportPC in additional to other linux hosts but not ScopePC since all communication from ScopePC to these through SupportPC will appear to come from SupportPC

Install port forwarding program AUTAPF which allows needed host/port specification on SupportPC

The screen shot below shows that case where:
  • Port 55555 is opened by legion/ (often called Leginon Client") on ScopePC, intended to serve data to ProcessingLinux. (Fixed port)
  • Ports 49152 and 49153 are opened by two processes to send/receive data to *ScopePC". (You may need to add more ports in case of blockage. See Ports used by Leginon)
  • Port 3306 is dedicated for database connection. (Fixed port)

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Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago · 11 revisions