



Applications » History » Revision 10

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Anchi Cheng, 03/19/2018 06:13 PM


Applications define how nodes are linked together in order to form a specialized Leginon application or program. Because Leginon uses a nodal or modular archetecture, multiple applications can be created by linking together nodes in different fashions suitable for the current experiment. Several default Leginon applications are distributed with the release. This section enables the Leginon user to import and export applications.

Import Applications online

  • Click on Applications.

  • Enter the name of the Leginon application XML file. These are files in a subdirectory of your leginon installation or download (myami/leginon) called "applications"

  • Select the name of the "To" Host the application will be imported to.
  • Click Import.

Export Applications online

to another Host

  • Click on Applications.
  • Select the name of the "From" Host.
  • Select the name of the Leginon application.
  • Select the "To" Host.
  • Click "Export"

to a Leginon application XML file

  • Click on Applications.
  • Select the name of the "From" Host.
  • Select the name of the Leginon application.
  • Keep "Export to XML format" enabled.
  • Enable "Save as"
  • Click Export

to the screen in XML format

  • Click on Applications.
  • Select the name of the "From" Host.
  • Select the name of the Leginon application.
  • Keep "Export to XML format" enabled.
  • Click Export

to the screen in "easy-to-read" format

  • Click on Applications.
  • Select the name of the "From" Host.
  • Select the name of the Leginon application.
  • Select View
  • Click Export

It should contain tables of Application Data, NodeSpec Data, and likely BindingSpec Data.

< Revert Settings | Goniometer >

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago · 10 revisions