Beam Size Calibration » History » Revision 1
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Anchi Cheng, 08/11/2014 11:18 PM
Beam Size Calibration¶
Beam size of FEI microscope can be approximate with a linear function. This calibration determines the coefficient of this linear equation with two points, one where the beam is at cross-over and one at a known size on the main viewing screen (or FluCam on Krios).
- Select the preset beam size is to be calibrated in "Presets Manager" node and send it to the scope. Most likely this is "en" preset used in the final exposure.
- Left click on
in the toolbar to start calibration.
- If C2 aperture size is not specified at the start of the session, the dialog will ask for the value at this point.
- Put the main screen of the scope down and expand the beam to a known size. The 4 cm diameter circle on FEI scope is a good reference.
- Enter the size of the beam at this known size in the settings and then click on "Save" in the settings dialog
- Contract the beam to the cross-over and click on "Save Focused Beam" in the settings dialog.
- Click "OK" to exit the dialog and save the calibration
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 10 years ago · 1 revisions