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Amber Herold, 04/23/2010 09:52 AM

Beam Tilt Calibrator

The Beam Tilt Calibrator is in fact the calibrator for aufocus. This calibration functions
well if the microscope has been well aligned first. The three main functions are defocus
calibration, stigmator calibration and storage/retrieval of eucentric focus


Required bindings to use preset instrument configuration set by presets manager

<simplelist type="vert">
<member> PresetsManagerNode - (PresetChangedEvent) -> BeamTiltCalibratorNode</member>

Toolbar ( Leginon/Beam Tilt Calibrator/Toolbar> )

  • Settings = Choose correlation type (phase or cross) and the CCD settings.
  • Acquire Image
  • Defocus | Stigmators = Choices of types of calibrations to perform.
  • Parameter Settings = paramters specific for calibrating the beam tilt
  • Calibrate = Begin calibrating
  • Abort = Stop the calibration processing
  • Measure = Test the beam tilt calibrations
  • Eucentric Focus From Scope = store the eucentric focus from the current microscope
  • Eucentric Focus To Scope = send the stored Leginon eucentric focus setting to the
  • Rotation Center From Scope = store the rotation center beam tilt value from the
    current microscope settings
  • Rotation Center To Scope = send the stored Leginon rotation center beam tilt value
    to the microscope
  • Align Rotation Center = use the current autofocus calibration to align the rotation
    center beam tilt.
  • Edit current calibration

Settings ( Leginon/Beam Tilt Calibrator/Settings> )

  • Use "phase | cross" correlation = choose the correlation technique that is used to
    calibrate the beam tilt
  • Override Preset = use this node's <link linkend="camconfig">Instrument and Camera
    Configuration</link> to acquire the images in this node
  • Correct image for tilt=Apply cosine stretching to the image before correlating the
  • Settling time = Wait between each beam tilt, used for testing

Defocus or Stigmators

  • Defocus = when chosen, the beam dilt will be calibrated in order to correct the
  • Stigmators = when chosen, the beam dilt will be calibrated in order to correct the

Parameter Settings

  • Beam tilt = expressed in radian, the value gives tilt from center of the the tilt
    in each direction, typically 0.01. A higher number means the beam will have a larger
    tilt. Too large of a tilt will cause the beam to leave the CCD imaging area.
  • First defocus = in meters, typically -2e-6 m (for 50-60k x). A standard defocus
    used within the autofocus routine.

This value gives the first defocus from current defocus=0 point where images are
acquired and correlations compared.

  • Second defocus = in meters, typically -4e-6 m ( for 50-60k x). A second standard
    defocus used within the autofocus routine.

This value gives the second defocus from current defocus=0 point where images are
acquired and correlations compared.


  • Beam tilt = in radian. Typically the same beam tilt used to complete the
    calibration (in Parameter Settings)
  • Measure = Click this button to test the defocus|stigmator calibrations

The defocus or stigmation that is measured will appear in the corresponding fields
once the measurement has finished.

  • Correct Defocus | Correct Stigmator = Send the measured defocus | stigmator
    correction values to the microscope.
  • Reset Defocus = use this to reset the zero defocus value at the microscope

Eucentric Focus Retrieve from /Send to scope

  • Encentric focus value needs to be saved in the database at the magnification and
    high tension where stage Z correction is to be made through autofocus routine.

Rotation center Retrieve from /Send to scope

  • Rotation center beam tilt value needs to be saved in the database at the
    magnification and high tension where stage alpha-tilt distortion correction is to be
    made in the focuser node.

Align Rotation Center

  • Align the beam tilt to the rotation center based on the current defocus/stigmator

Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago · 1 revisions