


Beam Tilt Imager » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Amber Herold, 04/27/2010 02:30 PM) → Revision 3/10 (Eric Hou, 06/24/2010 04:39 PM)

h1. Beam Tilt Imager 


 To achieve high resolution, the electron beam is best to be parallel and aligned with the 
 optical axis of the lenses at the specimen. This is particularly important if better than 5 
 Angstrum resolution is required. 


 * Parallel beam can be practically achieved for low dose condition in the Nanoprobe 
 mode of FEI microscope. In Microprobe mode that is more commonly used, a smaller C2 
 condensor aperture will provide more parallel beam although never truly parallel. The 
 current rotation center alignment that listed above provides a reasonable average beam 
 tilt for given illumination area at the specimen. Since smaller C2 condensor aperture 
 lets thourgh smaller percentage of the beam through, the beam intensity is lowered. 
 Therefore, a larger spot size (smaller spot number) need to be used to give similiar 


 For example, at NRAMM, we improved our parallelity of the same illumination area in 
 the final exposure by switching from 100 um C2 aperture with C1 spot 5 to 50 um C2 
 aperture with C1 spot 3. 


 * The average beam tilt (theta) realtive to the optical axis achieved by rotation 
 center alignment can be further refined by the so-called coma-free alignment. There are 
 tools in Leginon that can help you do so found in the application "Alignment" 


 If the image acquired at on-axis average beam tilt (theta=0) has minimal astigmation 
 in its power spectrum (or diffractogram), the more the beam is tilted away from the 
 optical axis, the stronger astigmation would be observed. The "Beam Tilt Imager" node in 
 the application generate Diffractogram tableaus by user-defined additional beam tilt and 
 number of tilt directions to be measured. The objective is to adjust the average beam 
 tilt value so that the the diffractograms of the tilts in the opposite but equal value 
 relative to the average beam tilt look similar. 


 * The tableau is displayed in a normal Cartisian coordinate. with x+ towards right 
 and y+ toward top. 


 * Reduce the additional tilt angle if the astigmation is too large for 


 * Move the beam tilt towards the direction of the tilted diffractogram that has a 
 astigmation closer to the untilted diffractogram shown at the center. 



 [[Beam Tilt Calibrator|< Beam Tilt Calibrator]] | [[Click Target Finder|Click Target Finder >]] 
