Calibrations » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 04/14/2010 04:02 PM) → Revision 2/7 (Anchi Cheng, 03/21/2017 10:29 AM)
h1. Calibrations Good calibrations are absolutely essential to running Leginon. They can also be very time consuming. As a way of rudimentarily starting up without calibrating the current instrument specifically or perhaps to revert to a previously saved calibration, this import/export calibration tool can be quite useful. h2. Import Calibrations * Open a web browser. Go to http://yourhost/myamiweb/admin.php http://yourhost/dbem/admin.php * Click on Calibrations. * Enter the name of the Leginon calibration XML file. * Select the name of the To Host the calibrations will be imported to. * Click Import. h2. Export Calibrations h2. to another Host * Open a web browser. Go to http://yourhost/dbem/admin.php * Click on Calibrations. * Select the name of the "From" Host and desired Instrument. * Select the names of the calibrations to export. * Select the "To" Host and desired Instrument. * Click Export h2. to a Leginon application XML file * Open a web browser. Go to http://yourhost/dbem/admin.php * Click on Calibrations. * Select the name of the "From" Host and desired Instrument. * Select the names of the calibrations to export. * Keep "Export to XML format" enabled. * Enable "Save as" * Click Export h2. to the screen in XML format * Open a web browser. Go to http://yourhost/dbem/admin.php * Click on Calibrations. * Select the name of the "From" Host and desired Instrument. * Select the names of the calibrations to export. * Keep "Export to XML format" enabled. * Click Export h2. to the screen in "easy-to-read" format * Open a web browser. Go to http://yourhost/dbem/admin.php * Click on Calibrations. * Select the name of the "From" Host and desired Instrument. * Select the names of the calibrations to export. * Select View * Click Export !! !!