



Camera length calibration

Camera length calibration can be simply done by acquiring a diffraction image of cross-grating replica and enter the expected d-spacing of Au-Pd power rings and measure the diameter of the ring in Leginon gui.

It will also save a pixel size equivalent that allows the webviewer to display the diffraction image and use its ruler to estimate the resolution.

  • This is only tested on TFS Ceta and Tvips F416 at 2kx2k bin 2
  1. Send a diffraction tem preset. See Setup df preset
  2. Select "Camera Length" node
  3. Click "Acquire Image"
  4. Measure the diameter of the ring in pixels.
  5. Click "Ruler" tool to enter the expected d-spacing and measurement, and then click "Calculate"
  6. Multiple measurements can be made with the same preset and the camera length averaged.
  7. Select the camera lengths to be averaged and saved, and save them.

Direct Edit and Extrapolation is possible just like in Pixel Size Calibrator.

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 3 years ago · 5 revisions