Camera length calibration¶
Camera length calibration can be simply done by acquiring a diffraction image of cross-grating replica and enter the expected d-spacing of Au-Pd power rings and measure the diameter of the ring in Leginon gui.
It will also save a pixel size equivalent that allows the webviewer to display the diffraction image and use its ruler to estimate the resolution.
- This is only tested on TFS Ceta and Tvips F416 at 2kx2k bin 2
- Send a diffraction tem preset. See Setup df preset
- Select "Camera Length" node
- Click "Acquire Image"
- Measure the diameter of the ring in pixels.
- Click "Ruler" tool to enter the expected d-spacing and measurement, and then click "Calculate"
- Multiple measurements can be made with the same preset and the camera length averaged.
- Select the camera lengths to be averaged and saved, and save them.
Direct Edit and Extrapolation is possible just like in Pixel Size Calibrator.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 3 years ago · 5 revisions