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Anchi Cheng, 04/30/2017 09:33 AM

Ceta camera support


Installation instruction is the same as Eagle, just replace the class name TIA_Eagle to TIA_Ceta

Testing with pyscope

In python command

form pyscope import tia
g = tia.TIA_Ceta()

You should expect these to run without error. The getImage() command should give a 2D numpy array like

array([[1000, 3400, 2300, ..., 1000,1200,3000],
         [1000, 3400, 2300, ..., 1000,1200,3000],
         [1000, 3400, 2300, ..., 1000,1200,3000],
         [1000, 3400, 2300, ..., 1000,1200,3000],
         [1000, 3400, 2300, ..., 1000,1200,3000],
         [1000, 3400, 2300, ..., 1000,1200,3000],dtype=int16)

The number and dtype depends on the camera.

a.shape command should give a tuple of the camera dimension matching your camera.
For example, (4096,4096)

If you use python shell to do this test, some of the error will cause the shell window to close immediately. Use Python IDLE instead in that case

Using Ceta camera in Leginon

Leginon does not handle Gain/Dark correction for Ceta camera. It will not use Leginon-collected references even if you acquire them as it will make images worse.

Follow FEI's instruction in obtaining Gain/Dark References in the scope user interface.

Take an single exposure first in its Reference Manager Tab to make sure the intensity range is adequate.

Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 8 years ago · 2 revisions